Home Gym: Team Home Gym

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Team Home Gym

Team Home Gym.

I was given the name Home Gym as a CrossFit Athlete. I was the only competitor who did not belong to a gym. I was the only competitor who worked out at home by myself. It worked better for me for many reasons, mainly being my family. I have 3 young kids and 2 of which require a little extra of my time for special needs they have.  I have a husband who works crazy hours.  And we live in the middle of rural America so access to a gym is rare.  SO, I made the most of it and slowly began building my gym at home.  Dumbbells, horse trailers mats, barbells, rubber plates, bikes, treadmill, rower, rope to climb, sled to push, bands to pull, medicine balls, etc.  I paid for these purchases through my personal business of training clients.  It all started in the basement of our first rural home.  I had people out to the house to train with me, while my only child at that time, slept or played in a crib nearby.  It just evolved from there...teaching class downtown at the local elementary school gym, at the local retirement community, to the local day services provider for adults with special needs, to CrossFit coaching/competing, to corporate wellness programs with several large companies, to training in a few gyms, to online fitness....and here we are.  All of that all wrapped up into where I am now.  Still having a hand in all of those things...BUT now, training other personal fitness aspiring hopefuls to coach like me. To learn from me. To build businesses like me. 

People ask me why I added BeachBody coaching to my resume' and don't CrossFit anymore. But I told them I do, I have been able to combine the best of both worlds!! I have taken it upon myself to help other women reach fitness goals beyond their imagination--training at home. No gym memberships needed. Just like I do/did.  My goal is to prove it.

You can gain muscle and get into amazing shape with a set of dumbbells and a prescribed program. And a determination to do so! Fitness is about so much more than fat loss. It's about gaining confidence. Courage. Empowerment. Strength. Inspiration. It's an art. And when you find the right program. The right motivation. You find a new passion. Purpose and goal. It's not always about chasing the black hole of a number on a scale. It's an emotion.

I am changing the game. The rules. And breaking stereotypes of home fitness. It's CrossFit meets motherhood. Meets strength training. Meets gains. Meets BA women ready to take on the world! It's all about your why.


So welcome to my online fitness studio.  Snoop around. Check out the other coaches on the team.  Feel free to ask questions. Comment. We are glad you are here.

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