Home Gym: August 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Home Gym Chronicles

Ever wish you could go back to your old CrossFit gym or group exercise class daily like you used too before kids? Or before your budget no longer allowed it? Or before you moved away?
I did.

I hated having to leave the community of friends I made over the course of time there. I hated missing out on the conversation.  The push in my workouts. The ability to just show up and do the work without having to come up with something to do on my own.  I hated missing the competition. The shared celebration of progress.  The coaching. The ability to ask questions and not feel dumb.  -
- -
Then, we moved. I couldn't go any longer. And my kid's schedules didn't allow for the extra time to drive there.

And it was awful. I lost my community. My motivation to push myself. My access to equipment and a program and a coach.

Fast forward a few years. I have since built my own home gym from the ground up in our barn. I collected equipment from local garage sales, thrift stores, and social media trading websites. And I hired a coach. I found a community in my online friends that I so desperately craved to have in my life again.

AND I was CHANGED.  I had NO idea I could recreate the friendships and fun I had experienced face to face in my old gym in an online setting with men and women all over the world!!  SO I took it upon myself to create a business that fills this same void in so many other women's lives. Coaching. Training. Community. But all from HOME.  Because I knew I couldn't be the only one in this position, feeling the way I did, lost and unmotivated.

I decided to take a risk on an opportunity with online coaching a year ago. I started my own Beachbody business as a way to tools and an opportunity to so many women who were in my shoes. But I took it a step further and made it my own. I added my own strength training and CrossFit flair. I worked out in my garage instead of in front of a TV or computer. And I shared this approach on social media hoping to provide HOPE for so many women like myself.

And in that year...
--I have coached 100's of women with the same passion for strength training through a private online community similar to a gym.
--I have turned my home gym into a successful business that has allowed us to pay off nearly all of my school loans.
--We have been able to take more trips than all the year's before, combined.
--My online fitness studio now has a world-wide outreach.
--I have met the best friends and been added to a community of women who encourage, inspire, push, and challenge me daily.
--We have a beach vacation planned next spring.
--And I can NOW work from home, work on my own fitness daily, and make more income than I ever have BY sharing how I filled the void of missing my old gym by re-creating it at home.

And I want to teach you HOW as well...I'm not promising you the success I have, but I'm not promising you won't either.
I'm HERE to partner with 10 women that want to make money AND a difference in the world. Women who want to live bold and courageous and FINALLY pursue their dreams of being a career-woman LIKE me. Women who MISS their old gym and coaches, but do NOT want to sacrifice their family and budget to do so.

Want a sneak peek to see what it's all about??
I'm running a FREE sneak peek into MY life as a home gym Coach. You can join and after it's done I will be accepting 10 new interns who want to get paid to get in shape, help others do the same and to be personally mentored by me.  AND get in killer shape at home.  I'll show you how to build your own home gym. How I built my gym on a minimum budget.  Where to find the best equipment and deals.

Join this Project to Redefining Home Fitness.
What could YOUR dream life look like? It's time to revive some of those dreams SISTER!!
1) APPLY here: https://forms.aweber.com/form/18/948764718.htm
2) THEN--comment below "ME" so I know to look for your application.

Wanna BET $1 MILLION???

Okay, load up your home gym's, get your space set-up, dumbbell's and bands purchased and THEN win that money back. Invest in your health NOW to win a piece of the $1-3 million PRIZE pot.

Here's how:
1) Chat with me about your goals for this fall...weight loss? 5k? Gain strength? Find a way to love fitness for yourself?

2) Participate in my fitness online studio with a program that meets your goals, be coached by myself and my team, be held accountable to other men and women like yourself to workouts and clean eating 5 days a week for 5 weeks minimum. (Sept 5-Oct. 2)

3) Log your workouts in my new fitness challenger app.

4) Complete Steps 1-3 and win your share of the pot with others who do the same.

Email me at: anna@shestrength.com so I can help get you squared away with a program, a plan of action, and the app.  OR message me at: fb.com/annawoodsfitness

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Why 5-Day Challenges Work

The first week of every month, my team and I host a FREE 5-Day Challenge. Each month we come up with a theme to help motivate and encourage people to several ideas...
1) If you have a program, if you wake up with a plan, know what you are going to do and are challenged to it...held accountable to it..YOU WILL DO IT.  Plain and simple. Over and over I hear people say how great they feel after accomplishing 5 workouts in 5 days because they had a plan and stuck to it...it eliminated all guessing and time wasted trying to come up with something to do.

2) That you can get 5 days of GOOD effective workouts in, in 15 minutes or less.  It's all subjective. Just do something...it doesn't have to be a full hour long cardio session to be effective or worth your time.

3) When you workout with a large group, holding each other accountable, celebrating each other's success, and building relationships...fitness becomes FUN.

So make sure to join us in early September for our next 5-day group...we are thinking ABS will be our next focus...get on my email newsletter to get first dibs on that and other event announcements, weekly workout ideas, and nutrition tips.
I am READY to receive 5-Day Arm Workouts
to my Inbox NOW!

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3 Tips to Eliminate Your C-Section Pooch


It's Monday!!! So my sheLIFT's workout tip of the day is for the mama's out there!! 

Here are my tips to help eliminate that C-Section Pooch that seems to NEVER go away.  

1) Work the pelvic floor muscles FIRST.  You can do all the crunches you want and only ever hit the surface muscles of the abdominals while the intrinsic inner muscles never get targeted or stronger.  So start with the small stuff first.  Lying flat on your back.  Feet flat on the floor.  Visualize a kegel (or stopping the flow of urine) tightening up those areas as your slowly lift your hips and pelvis off the floor and squeeze and hold for a few seconds.  Slowly return to the floor.  Repeat that exercise 10-15 times a day.

2) Then, begin incorporating the exercises mentioned in my video.  Add a ball to squeeze between your knees or a band to press against on the outside of your knees to help engage that transverse abdominus and inner pelvic floor.  These 2 steps right here are crucial to engaging and developing that strength you need to firm and tighten up your lower abs.

3)  Learn to engage these muscles groups without having to think about it. So the more you practice "bracing" and tightening your lower pelvis and abs first when you are completing ab workouts or any type of core work, the quicker your body will begin doing it on it's own---as muscle memory.  

Don't rush this process as it takes time.  Make sure to be mindful of engaging the lower abs and pelvic floor muscles FIRST before the rest.  Make it muscle memory before moving on to harder and seemingly more "intense" exercises.

For more full-body workout tips like these and how to get started on a strength training plan that is safe and effective for you, sign up below and I will email you RIGHT AWAY.

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Monday, August 8, 2016

It's 12:20 AM, WHAT??

Leah was born.
4 months later we moved to Kansas. To a town we didn't know anyone.  I had just graduated with my degree in exercise science.  I had stopped my pursuit of PA school when I found out I was expecting because I was so sick and my priorities changed.  We bought a house in the country, away from neighbors.  We had no family close.  And I never felt SO alone than I did during that first year living there.  But I KNEW I wanted to stay home with my daughter if I could make it work financially.  I KNEW I still wanted to pursue my dream of fitness, coaching, training, and changing lives through health.  But I KNEW the town we lived in had no gym, no jobs in my area of expertise or interest.  SO I decided to make it work, my own way.  I started my own personal training business in my basement.  I called the retirement community in the town every week for at least 5 months asking if they were interested in implementing special population fitness into their resident's lives because I had a passion for helping the elderly through strength training.  After the 6th month, they finally called back and offered me a job as a trial run.  While I started that job, I was also emailing the town's recreation department about teaching fitness classes at the local school or park.  Anyway I could get my name out there. I made business cards, flyers, talked to anyone I could.  I spoke with local physicians in that town and nearby towns about referrals. I spoke with local pharmacies about advertising my services.  And slowly I started with 1-2 clients at my house...I would train with them while my Leah took naps or crawled around in her playpen.  And then I took her with me to the retirement community to teach classes.  And she came with me to my fitness classes in the evenings at the local elementary school. 

And I make it work.  Because I wanted to be a mom first. Fitness professional second.  And I didn't want to settle for any other options.  I worked a LOT.  Late at night. Early mornings.  I hustled hard because I had a vision for where I wanted my business to go and what I needed to make in income to be able to continue with the set-up I had at that time.  In my mind there were no other options...

Fast forward 10 years, 2 kids later.  And here I am at a point in my life where I want to be able to to continue to stay home. Be a mom.  Be available for their needs and activities.  But all 3 will be in school so I need to kick it into gear to be able to justify staying home. I need to hustle.  So what am I doing? I am making it work.  I am sharing my story. I am empowering women. I am getting up early, staying up late. I am working between doctor's appointments, kids playdates, pool swim lessons, gymnastics practices, while my husband is working, while my friends are out socializing, while other women are watching their favorite nightly TV shows...I AM WORKING.  Because I have a vision.  A why.  A "need for this to work." And you know what? It is.  Because I have no other option but for it to work.  And in my experience I've learned THAT IS ALL IT REALLY IS.

A MINDSET.  A mindset that failure is not an option.

So you hustle. You sacrifice. And you work even when you don't see the fruits of your labor...yet.  Because you know it is coming. And it WILL work.  So don't feel like you have to settle. You don't have options.  Because you DO.  YOU start now.  You pursue your passion---you work really hard at it for a long time---and IT WILL HAPPEN if your mindset is that of 'I CAN. I WILL. I'M UNSTOPPABLE.

So it's 12:20 am on a Saturday night...what are you doing??
I'm working. Hustling.  Because I BELIEVE so much in what I'm doing and where I'm headed.  There is no other optionn.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The IMPACT of Team HomeGym

Where do I begin??

I had this vision 2 years ago laid on my heart that "God needed me to give up my selfish desires for something BIGGER."

And after some struggle with that, I finally did. And now we are here.

I created Team HomeGym. I started using social media to tell my story. Share my struggles. Inspire others with my workout ideas. Encourage those around me with positivity. Provide permission for women to take care of their own health for 30 min or more a day. Empowering other women to become a CEO of their own business and pursue financial freedom. 

And slowly. Bit by bit. Up and down. One step forward. Two steps back. I've held onto this vision. And continued to grind on. And the ripple effect is beginning to take place.

Over and over lately people have come up to me and asked if I'm "Anna Woods Fitness gal"...or skipping the talking and giving me hugs thanking me for being real and raw with my life. Or messaging me how grateful they are I reached out to them to be a part of my movement and passion to empower women. I've earned trips to Nashville, TN and the Smokey Mountains. Spoke at special events in Kansas City and Wichita. Been invited to speak at workplace wellness committees, special community events, to co-host charity events because of my heart for giving back. And this momentum and energy just keeps building and growing. And my outreach is expanding. And God is working. And this is just what I believe to be the beginning.  

Now we have a Plan of Action next to hit the streets. We are coming to you soon. To empower. Give permission and strengthen women to be BOLD. To be real women making their health a priority so they can better themselves and therefore improve their pursuit of their own personal passion and platform!

FB-Anna Woods Fitness
Snapchat: Home.Gym
IG: @shestrength

Friday, August 5, 2016

My Update on: "Fear of Being Pretty"

I posted this original blog October 14, 2014...
And as I read this over again and this real raw emotion of recognizing a mindset I had adopted in my youth, that I allowed to carry forward with me into my adulthood, unknowingly...I am amazed at how far I have come since this day.  Perhaps it is getting older. Or perhaps it is evolving as a woman and overcoming some major obstacles the past few years...but I can say that I am confident and comfortable in my skin now...as the mom, athlete, wife, business owner, woman, coach, sister, and daughter that I am.  I realized I can be all of these things, because they make up who I am and who I want to be--for myself, my kids, my passion and my platform to empowerment of other women. 

So read this knowing, I am a different person today than I was then. And I am grateful for the journey it took to get to this place of peace NOW.

For some reason as of late, I've found myself wrestling with the idea of being pretty.
And I believe that is based on my thoughts of what "pretty" means or represents...and I know for a fact that has been shaped by my past experiences with prettiness...

From early on, you could probably say I was tomboy-ish.  I grew up in the country, around a farm, and was put to work at a young age.  My dad made sure we understood work ethic and responsibility as soon as we could.  We had chickens, horses, dogs, cats, and any other wild animal we could capture and make our pet.  We had mud fights, swam in horse tanks, climbed trees, built forts, cut down secret paths to the neighbors houses, rode 4-wheelers and go-carts for fun.  We swung from bag trees and playhouses, we accepted any wild challenge we could and rarely admitted defeat.  As we got older that turned into work.  Chopping and hauling firewood.  Cracking ice in horse tanks during the winter.  Mowing our 5 acres. Grooming and doctoring animals.  Painting barns and shops.  As well as helping with laundry, dishes, and other household duties.  We carried this mentality over to sports.  And everything we pursued, even friendships.  So as you can guess, I befriended most guys over girls.  It was just the natural tendency based on my mentality, personality, and appearance, I guess.

I have always and still do, consider myself one of the guys when I am around guys.  I feel like I think like a guy most times too.  I know what they are thinking, or at least am guessing what they are thinking. Just because I was always around them. Guys would talk around me as if I was a guy.  Things like: "that new girl is so hot..."  "damn, she is pretty..."  "did you see what so-and-so is wearing today...wow!" I always heard them talk about the "pretty girls," but never ever considered myself to be one.  Besides, I was the tough girl, who loved to work hard, accept any challenge, and hung out with guys...I was most confident in that persona.  I had no problem with it at all.  It was who I was.  I distinctly remember a few of my closer guy friends say things like, "well, maybe if you'd wear make up every now and again, you'd look like that..."  all in joking words, of course.  Or, maybe "if you owned a dress"...And as I got into high school sports and had to start dressing up for sports, I remember the struggle....mentally.  I felt so awkward and ugly in dresses and skirts.  It did not fit who I felt I was at all.  I thought I looked best in workout clothes.  And I remember my guy friends always saying things like, "who are you?"  "Man, you do clean up halfway decent when you try..."  or "did you borrow that dress?" Hahaha, it always made me laugh and I knew they were joking.  I honestly never thought anymore of it.  Just that I couldn't wait to get my uniform on to play--and out of that skirt.

As I've gotten older in my adulthood, I realize that mentality has carried with me.  I still feel most confident in workout clothes.  I think I look better in them than jeans.  Hence the reason you rarely see me in them.  My kids ask if we are going somewhere special when they see me put jeans on. :)

I still feel like one of the guys, most times.  In the gym, I can talk like one of the guys...making fun of a guy I catch red-handed checking out another chick. Or comment that he is looking "tiny" and needs to hit the weights more, etc.  All in guy commentary fun.  In fact, I truly think they see me as that too...joking with me about feeling 'girly' one day because I wear a headband with sparkles on it or paint my fingernails for once.

So in my mind. Pretty means, "the ditsy girl that dresses in scantily clad outfits to get a guys attention...who knows she's pretty and can use it to her advantage..." She is the girl who all my guy friends would drool over.  Comment on.  And try every pick up line they could to win her over.  She was the "it" girl.  And I think now, I almost see that as weak.  Pretty means weak...in my book.

I have made a valiant effort lately to try to be okay with "pretty."  In fact I've worn my hair down, out of a ponytail, on several occasions...and kid you not, I was not recognized by people I know, and see often, SIX TIMES!

What does that tell you? 
I wore jeans to a football game the other night with my hair down and a little bit of make up (gotta start small) and received a few comments on how nice I looked.
Could it be possible I could be "pretty" too?  Without feeling like I'm being weak...or giving in to that image of "eye candy" for every guy to prowl upon. 

I am hoping maybe I can redefine pretty for myself...as Strong, actually.  Bold.  Independent.   Fit.  Fun. Carefree. Confident.  I'm still working on the rest.  But in the meantime, if you see a gal with a mess of long hair blowing in her face, waving at you like she knows you...look again, it might be me...
...trying to be okay with "pretty."

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

5 Best Strength Exercises for Runner's

I get asked a lot about strength training moves for runner's.

It usually consists of someone who has been running for a while and has sore knees, plantar fasciitis, or isn't losing weight like they had hoped.  People don't realize that running is actually a muscle deteriorating exercise.

I typically ask the person: "would you do 1000 quarter squats or quarter lunges 6 days a week?"  (and most runners I know don't stretch of warm up or cool down well, but I won't go there yet) And they look at me confused..."NO!! Why would I do that?"

And I say, "well you are! Running is a continuous forward motion of quarter squats...over and over...and over and over."  Most are perplexed by this realization.  When you do a movement like this continually day after day, you are bound to get injured and develop muscle imbalances.  So this is how I approach the movements I recommend my running clients to do.

1) We discuss areas of pain.  We look at the tread on his/her shoes to see how they run.  If they roll out or in with their feet and ankles.

2) Then we look at the antagonist muscles that are usually neglected in a running plan and discuss how we can strengthen those to create more of a balance in our muscles and therefore joint patterns of movement.

3) Lastly we discuss how running isn't a great fat-burning exercise. It's more of a energy-busting move. That too much running can actually be more of a detriment to one's fat loss, than a help.

So here are the 5 best strengthening movements I suggest for my runner's to incorporate into their routine:
1) Good Mornings -- 3x15 using a moderate weight
Here are my best tips on that move here.

2) Pull-Ups/Hanging Negatives/Supine Row--4x5
There are many variations to this move, but squeezing the shoulder blades down and back and tilting the head up slightly will help engage the back...which is what we want.  Here is one variation to try-->
3) Abs--> 3x10 per side (light kettlebell or dumbbell)
I typically don't prescribe crunches, sit ups, stationary biking and bench press for my runners because they are already very tight and short in muscle length on the front side. I like prescribing movements that will provide a stretch and a strength. So this one targets the obliques.

4) Deep Squats--> 3x10 adding weight each set.
You might think its silly to prescribe squats when I just told you running is a series of quarter squats. But here is the difference...deep squats, as in getting the hip crease below the knee crease is actually very beneficial for runners. It requires the activation of the glutes, core, and hamstrings to stand back up..AND it stretches those tight hip flexors and calves. If you can't get this low, drop the weight until you can.  I have worked with several ultra runners who could not even squat past parallel because their calves were so tight.

5) Superman's--> 2x20 SLOW...
Lie flat on your stomach. Squeeze the butt tight. Neck in alignment with the back. Head facing down.  Reach your fingertips back toward your heels as you lift your head, shoulders, chest, knees and feet off the floor at the same time, squeeze tight in the back and hold for a second...then slowly release back down to the floor. Keep breathing throughout the movement. Make sure to squeeze the glutes tight before lifting...make them do the work.

 To get MORE workout video's and tips like this sent straight to your inbox, PLUS a 4-week strength training template to fitness and exercise for beginner's....sign up below! I will send you the first workout NOW!

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 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!
Follow me at:
Fb: Anna Woods Fitness
Snapchat: home.gym
Email: anna@shestrength.com

My Fat Loss Solution #5

So I went LIVE this morning over at: Anna Woods Fitness because I wanted to provide another fat loss tip for you all to learn from.

My goal as a coach and trainer is to provide as my TRUTH and VALUE as I can.  The past weekend my husband and I attended a fitness Summit in Nashville, TN and because it is important to me to keep learning, to keep growing as a trainer and business woman, and to keep re-investing what I learn back to you all.

So...this weekend they showed us a chart of the percentage of obese and overweight men and women over the age of 20 in the population today....and that percentage is 70%!!!!!!!

WHOA.  And here's what else...the supplement industry (pills, patches, cleanses, shakes) is the overruling health and fitness money-making product in the US, right now. So tell me this...if people keep getting more and more overweight and the supplement companies keep making more money...something isn't right!! Something isn't working!!

EDUCATE yourself.  DO the research.  Over and over again, people are settling for quick fixes and falling short, feeling like they've failed.  Messing up their metabolisms.  Putting things in their bloodstream that aren't made to be.  Out of desperation for weight loss and feeling better.

SO I ask you to STOP. Rip off those patches. Throw away the pills.
Hear the rest of my solution below.

Don't be fooled people. There is NO easy button. But there is a way to overcome feeling like a failure. It's part of adopting a lifestyle change.  Where there is NO end. But continual daily efforts to improve your health...I have a plan.  I will be with you for the long-haul.

If you are inspired by this video and are ready for a change, sign up to start with my 4-Day FREE Strength Training Template! It will show you how to lift weights safely and effectively from home.  I will send you daily workouts and tips to keep you motivated and on track.

Sign up here:

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Follow me here:
IG: @shestrength
Snapchat: home.gym
FB: fb.com/annawoodsfitness
email: anna@shestrength.com