Home Gym: About Our Online Fitness Studio

About Our Online Fitness Studio

Team Home Gym

I was given the name Home Gym as a CrossFit Athlete. I was the only competitor who did not belong to a gym. I was the only competitor who worked out at home by myself. It worked better for me for many reasons, mainly being my family.

People ask me why I coach beachbody and don't CrossFit anymore. But I told them I do, I have been able to combine the best of both worlds!! I have taken it upon myself to help other women reach fitness goals beyond their imagination--training at home. No gym memberships needed.

You can gain muscle and get into amazing shape with a set of dumbbells and a prescribed program. And a determination to do so! Fitness is about so many options. What motivates you. Encourages you. Feeds your soul. Speaks your language. And drives your purpose. And it brings you together with positive energy from people seeking the same goals with the same drive.

I am changing the game. The rules. And breaking stereotypes of home fitness. It's CrossFit meets motherhood. Meets strength training. Meets gains. Meets BA women ready to take on the world!  We are not your typical beachbody coaches...we have our blinders on. Work hard. Love people. Work with a lot of heart. And have big goals!!

We have worked our way up into the top 1600 teams out of 400,000 in 6 months as a team! We have big plans and are moving full-engine ahead.  Stay tuned...

To find out how to be a part of this movement, email me at: a_jwoods04@yahoo.com

We are a team of mothers, fathers, students, nurses, fitness professionals, educators, athletes, new exercisers, military spouses, veterans, and on and on.  We all make up a team. But are individual CEO's in charge of our own companies.  We work how we want. When we want. And why we want too.

But most of all we work to help you.  We are in the business of helping people.  Because of our many backgrounds we are able to share our journeys and experiences to inspire you and encourage you to better health as well.  We train the majority of our clients through online private groups to provide accountability, encouragement, instruction, and support.  We run groups with all different themes to help reach that many more people...love yourself, training for certain events, losing weight for a wedding, competing in an event/sport, or just getting back into healthier habits post-baby.  

Knees hurt when you lunge? We can fix that.
Can't lose that last 10 lbs.? We can help you with that.
Can't seem to figure out that yoga pose? We have someone who is an expert in that.

We are a team of purpose, passion, and drive.  


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