Home Gym: May 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Repost: Perceptions of a Fit Girl

I was discussing working out, coaching, and personal training with a fellow class participant the other night.  We discussed how people coach differently, and have different expectations of their clients.  How the cultures of gyms are different and therefore attract different types of exercisers.  She was explaining to me how somedays she walks into the gym and just doesn't feel like pushing herself.  Especially after working all day, taking care of her kids, and everything else life may bring...she just mentally checks out and may loaf through her workout.  Being competitive and training with a purpose or goal in mind, just is NOT on her radar.  She works out to relieve stress, maintain her health, and feel good about herself.  And somedays only because she HAS too, she pays a membership, she better use it. 

Then she looks at me and says, "something you would NEVER understand."  And laughs.

I was caught off guard.  I have already been facing my inner demon of worrying what others think about me.  My realization of how much I let what people think or might think of me, affect how I think, act, speak, or believe. Again. 

So where a comment like this may not have jarred me so much before, it did this particular day. I couldn't shake what she said from my thoughts.  "What does she mean by that?"  "Am I not relatable?"  "Does she think I don't experience those same thoughts/feelings from time to time?"  "Who does she think I really am?"  "What am I portraying about myself, as an athlete and coach?"

This last question is one I pondered the most. 
I asked my husband about it.  And my mom, of course.
Prayed about it. Of course.

And what I've realized is that it is one thing to worry about what people think of me and let it change who I truly am.  And another to be sensitive to how I portray myself, day to day.  How I come across.  Who or what am I representing in the bigger picture?

I have really never given thought to what the sum of what I put out there about myself equals...you following?  I am more of a here and now thinker/doer. 

Most people know I am a personal trainer and coach.  It's my job.  My life.  Therefore, I talk about it a lot.  I share videos and articles about it a lot on social media.  I post videos of myself working out a lot.  Other post pictures of me working out.  I post videos of my clients working out.  And their individual progress.  

Here is why:  To me, my goal is to inspire.  To motivate.  To encourage.  To educate. 
I am passionate about it.  It excites me, energizes me.  Challenges me.   I also have real goals.  Big ones.  I work hard, really hard.  It is the only way I know how to approach anything.

Here is what it may appear as to others (I'm just now realizing):  I like to look at myself and want others to as well.  To show off.  To brag about how much weight I can lift.   I am another one of those annoying people drinking the CrossFit Kool-Aid.  I am not relatable to the everyday exerciser.  I don't understand struggles other women face.  I am advertising.  That I don't realize there are more important things in life than exercising/CrossFit.

Why these thoughts seem so completely far away from who I am and what I know about myself as an individual...they may not appear so, to others.  

In fact, I do struggle. In real ways.  Just like everyone else. 
And where I may share that in my life as a mom, wife, and in my spiritual walk--I may not in my work, my exercising and my personal training.  Possibly because I have more confidence in this area than I do the others, perhaps?  Not sure.  But it is there.  The fear. Doubt. Lack of motivation someday's. 

I am thankful for this being brought to my attention.  
Transparency is my goal. 
... In EVERY aspect of my life. Time to make some changes.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Move over Thigh Master!!

Try this exercise out 2-3 days a week for 4 sets of 10 reps each.  Add to the intensity by adding a dumbbell or switching hands with the dumbbell and working the hamstrings and glutes differently.  Just make sure NOT to let the knee bend but also do NOT lock it out.  Make the hamstring and glute do the work.  You may find yourself a little shaky as your hamstring and glute are fighting your quad muscles to take over.

An added bonus is pairing this up with single leg step ups to really hit this area for maximum soreness and maximum effectiveness.  A series of lifts specifically for this area are discussed in my sheSTRENGTH program.

Find out more at: www.shestrength.com


Repost: Reflection--#crossfit Dreams

I posted this blog February 25, 2015...and as I sit here watching the CrossFit Regionals 2016, it is interesting to see the work God has done in my heart and life as I reflect back on the past year or so...this sport and this competition is still strong in my heart, and I believe it is for a reason, just not for a reason that is at the forefront of my mind right now...


I Choose...

I am typing this blog with tears streaming down my face...my heart aching.  Stomach churning.
This is the week of the CrossFit Open.  2015.  My year. What I've been training for.  This has been my goal year for awhile now.  I've worked harder the past year than ever.  Reaching new goals.  New heights.  New weights.  New movements.  Checking off my lists of weaknesses.  No distractions.  Fully focused.  This is it.  The season starts, tomorrow night.

This is where my hard work pays off.  Where I lay it all down.  For the next 5 weeks, completing workouts, submitting scores against other people in my Region, in hopes of making it to Regionals in May.  Regionals.  My motivating factor through every sweaty workout, every 5:00 am wake-up call, every mental battle, every "I want to quit," every bruise, every ache and pain, every get back up again.  I just want to get there.  All my IG posts scream, "you can do this!"  "No excuses!"  "It's Now or Never!" "You earn what you put into it."  "If you work hard enough, your dreams will come true..." 

And I do.  I really do.  Hope they do.

Someday.  For sure, someday.
Just not any day soon.

My turning point came at a competition in December.  I was the oldest female athlete.  The only one with kids.  Most definitely the only one with 2 kids with special needs.  The only one married for double digit years.

Hmmm...where was everyone else my age?  With kids?
Not there.  Because this stage of life is hard.  Harder than any Open workout.  Life with "little's" is full-time.  Overtime.  All the time work.  And I was the only one crazy enough to try to do both.

The disbelief by the other competitors struck me.  How do I do it?  How do I make time?  How do I train hard and be a mom/wife?  While I felt honored to be able to share that I was doing it.  And it could be done...
I was convicted all at the same time.

And I couldn't shake this conviction.  That I wasn't really doing it all.  Well.
I prayed and wrestled with God for a month...what am I supposed to do? I can't possibly give up all I've worked so hard for, for so long.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't compete.  Competing is my motivation. My push.  My drive.  I live for it.

So I prayed for an answer.  A solution.  A way to do it all.
And it came...loud and clear one Sunday afternoon while I was praying for discernment as to what I should do about my CrossFit goals and my goals as a wife and mom.  And as clear as day, I felt the Holy Spirit say, "You will rest this year.  That is your big performance.  You will be done for now......I have bigger plans for you."

And this may be where I lose most of you.  Because I have doubted this clearly spoken directive, myself. Over and over.  But as soon as I surrendered to this, as soon as I said Lord, your will be done.  I want to follow you.  Obey you.  This goosebump like peace fell over my body.  And I knew this to be my decision.

I asked several people to pray over me in this decision as I knew it would be hard as the CrossFit season neared.  As people asked me if I was getting excited...and ready...and if I was going to get to Regionals this year.  Because I truly want to say, "YES! I'M READY...I'M GOING TO DO THIS! I am ready to make a name for myself, #homegym is ready to make a statement.  Prove my efforts. This is it!"

And I knew the battle would be hard.  I expected people not to understand.  Or buy my real lack of reasoning.
I am obviously struggling with it tonight.  It's tough.

But much more than I want to be known as a CrossFit athlete that is a mom and a wife and does it all...
I want to be known for not doing anything.  Transparent
Only as a humble servant of Christ.  Who honors her husband.  Guides her children.  Loves her Lord and Father.


I love working out. And will continue to do so. Hard. Because that is a passion God has put in my heart.
But right now, under the umbrella of rest.  Sitting still.  Waiting.  
And this could quite possibly be the hardest workout I've done yet.  Because there are no banners screaming "do less."  "Be still."  "Rest."  "Be quiet."  "Seek nothing."  And no one encourages you to seek the slower, smaller route.  Because this type of workout, this resting piece,  requires faith.  Faith in things unseen.

Things hoped for.

Things of eternal value that carry no merit on this earth. And don't fill a scoreboard.  Or earn me points.  Sponsorships or recognition.  No, this workout involves more discipline, sacrifice, humility, stepping aside so God can work...effort. It requires hands-on parenting. Being purposeful with my husband.  Jobs I may never receive affirmation for this side of Heaven.  No measuring progress.  No immediate results.  All based on hope.  And faith and love.

And this, my friends, is the kind of workout I want to live for.

Why Meal Prep Can Lower your Grocery Bill

Meal Prep is of vital importance to success with fueling your body with wholesome foods...people do not understand how eating healthy can be cheaper.  And while it may seem more expensive at ticket value there are so many ways it pays off when you get home.

Here's a few of my reasons:
1) Real, whole food grown from the ground is more filling.  Your body can use every part of it for fuel.  If its a fruit it usually contains a lot of water to fill you up and keep you fuller.  If it is a vegetable it has more fiber in it, which takes longer to digest, therefore keeps you fuller longer.  (not just iceberg lettuce)  If it is a real animal source protein, it is broken down slower and therefore used for fuel and energy sources in the body--therefore keeps you fuller longer.
Check it out:  Portion Control Please!

--> This equates to not needing to eat as often or as much during your day.  If you don't believe me, try out the 21-day fix portion control containers!! Everyone I coach through this macro count visual plan, can NOT believe how full they get from eating out of these tiny portioned containers.  See for yourself!

2) You will build your immune system.  When you eat, real, natural foods your body can effectively digest them and use them more efficiently for daily functions.  When you eat processed, hormone-filled, chemical-bound food, your body has a histamine reaction to the foreign object...therefore requires excess energy, breakdown of your system to allow for this needed energy, and as a result a weakened immune system.  A weakened immune system results in extra budget spent on medicine, doctor's visits, over the counter drugs, etc.  Which creates a vicious cycle in itself because after being sick, your body craves high glycemic--starchy foods, for energy and starts the process all over again.

3) You will drink more water.  The majority of the time we are thirsty, NOT hungry.

4) Your tastebuds will change and as a result--foods you used to enjoy will taste like plastic.  You will begin to savor the flavor of real, wholesome foods and your tastebuds will sharpen.  As a result, you will NOT eat out as much because the taste you once craved is no longer "good."  A lot of money can be saved in a week by choosing to eat at home.

5) When you plan ahead, have snacks pre-made, have meals prepared ahead of time, there is not as much "downtime" to need to snack and therefore snacks last longer!  It's amazing how long a bag of chips will last if you don't snack on it the entire time you prepare supper!

6) Finally, shakes can be a great fill-in for meals or snacks on the go. AND can help keep cravings at bay. I highly encourage my clients to use shakeology! You can buy it in bulk AND get it for a discount, I can help you get that FYI.  AND its something your entire family can use..which is another bonus.  PLUS it comes in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cafe' latte and greenberry.

Here's more information on that--> Shakes!!

My 10-Day Nutrition Group kicks off June 1--we are focusing on meal prep, accountability, and budgeting--as well as daily challenges to help stay on track for a lifestyle change long after we are through.  There is still time to get in after a weekend of SPLURGING at the lake or vacation!!

Message me here: Anna Woods Fitness

Saturday, May 28, 2016

All the 10 pounds weight losses

I was looking for something else and became distracted upon finding a journal I spent some time writing in during college.  I had been married 7 months. I was 22 years old.  And I was training for a half-marathon in April in Oklahoma City. I scrolled down through my food log for that particular day...

Jan 5, 2005
1 glass OJ
1 c. oatmeal
1 frosted cookie
1/2 c. peaches
1 1/2 c. whole wheat spaghetti
1 c. tomato sauce
1 cheesy breadstick
3 Nutter Butter's
4 slices cheese
4 whole wheat crackers
1/2 can Dr. Pepper
1 c. Stroganoff
1/2 slice Cinnamon Dessert

Arm/Back Day
Cardio Rest Day

My first thoughts were:
1. Man I had a lot of time back then...if only I had known.

2. How did I remember what all I ate?  I can't even tell you what I snacked on an hour ago.  (I guess I should note #1)

3. Starches. Starches. Starches.  This was before Paleo was all the craze.  And I realized I had some allergies to wheat.

4. Dr Pepper? Haha. That was definitely a habit I started from my new hubby!  That was never an option growing up at home.  Diet pop was the "healthier choice" and growing up in an aerobics instructor's house...you always went the healthy route. *note sarcasm

I read on down and found this excerpt..."This is the first day I will begin my journey toward losing 10 lbs. and training for a Half Marathon April 29th.  (I can't tell you how many 10 lb. journeys I have been on since then!!)  Then I nearly died when I saw this:
Current weight: 134 lbs.
Waist: 26"
Hips: 36 1/2"

WHAAAA??  134 lbs.?!! I didn't think I had weighed that since 8th grade.  Seriously.  And I was on a journey to lose 10 more...whoa.
I sat back and began to think back through my athletic life.  And I could almost name what my scale weight was around any significant physical endeavor I was pursuing.

Senior year...college softball recruiting camps....127#  (I was told several times I was too thin)
Wedding...June 2004....128#
Half-Marathon-April 29, 2005 (dropped 5 lbs.--129#)
9 months pregnant with Leah... May 2006....153#
1st Marathon--Leah was 2 years old...130#
Triathlons...Summer 2009...135#
Started doing CrossFit 2009ish...135#

And from then on....I could not tell you what I weighed.  Maybe when I had Autum I was about 165#....

I realized several things at that point.  One, how sad it is to realize that the scale dictated me.  And my life.  How could I remember so specifically my weights from so long ago?  Well, because it was clearly very important to me.   It was a center focus.

And now I am faced with the question of:  was it what drove me?  Did I just mask my obsession with being "fit" and "skinny" with a determination to compete in sports and races?  Deep down...did I really care how I competed or placed...so long as I hit my goal weight and used training as a motivator to get there...?  (not saying that is wrong...yet)

I sat quietly awhile. Contemplating this.
Lifting weights and doing CrossFit and training with other people was a huge turning point in my obsession with the scale.  And I didn't even realize it til now.  I could probably tell you more closely what my  strength maxes were on certain lifts more than what I weighed the past 4 years.

But to dig down, what was the power the scale number had over me?  Why did it mean so much?  What bigger issue did I have at hand?  Lack of self-esteem?  Body disorder?  Need to please?  Pride in my appearance?  Or just lack of anything else to focus on and control?  Passion for fitness?  Need to uphold an image?

Probably all of the above.
That IS. ANNOYING. to me.  Now.

Huh.  Moving on.

All I know is I'm so grateful for the opportunity to change.  For a chance to face this 'skinny' stigma head on with my girl's.  To have experienced it and hopefully be able to empathize better.  To have shaken off that "chain." For strength.  For feeling strong.  For health. 

And to honestly not have that much time on my hands to obsess about a scale number.  Ha!  Because now I obsess over things like how to get that carrot chunk out of my child's nose.  Or how to get your oldest to wear deodorant-because who cares if your armpits stink.

And on...and on.

Friday, May 27, 2016

"I want to do a pull-up"

I get asked all the time "I want to do a pull up SO bad..."

I get it. I worked over a year to get one...and it took me several years to do 10 in a row.  It is a combination of shoulder mobility, bicep, back, shoulder, and core strength, reduced body fat, and grip strength.

All these things have to come together to achieve one...along with LOTS of practice. So throw consistency in the mix as well.

My best tips for achieving a pull up are:
1) hang from a bar as often as you can, just dead hang, working on grip strength.  Wrap the thumb under the bar and hold...keep the shoulders and back engaged (think shoulder roll up, back, and down--then HOLD)...try to hold it longer each week.

2) Do focused upper body work strengthening exercises: bicep curls, upright rows, shrugs, bent over rows, supine pull ups, push ups...

3) Clean up your diet. 80% of fat loss is nutrition related. So to reduce the body weight and increase chances to pull your body weight, choose wholesome, real foods.

Here are 3 quick videos on how to work progressions to do a pull up!

Part I-->

Part II-->

Part III--> 

For a specific program, related to how to strengthen your upper body and a clean-eating diet plan...join my next online fitness studio training.  Dumbbells and a small space are all you need.

--Meal Plans
--Daily coaching
--Video Training/Worksheets to take to the gym or do at home
--Programmed by me
--Includes outdoor exercises too
--Membership to our private online community

To learn more--> apply here: http://forms.aweber.com/form/08/2122694508.htm


Monday, May 23, 2016

A Fit Girl's View of a Fat Girl

I was swimming laps a few weeks ago at our local YMCA...and this woman walks by with her boyfriend, or husband...and gets in the hot tub.  I immediately noticed her because her swimsuit was BEAUTIFUL!

Seriously like nothing I've seen before...it had all these straps wrapped around the middle, so was kind of a two-piece, but wasn't. It was dark green and it fit her perfect.  It hugged all the right places and revealed her curves tastefully.  I thought to myself, I LOVE that suit. She looks so great!  I am SO curious where she got it because I've never seen a style like that before...

I went back to my laps and didn't think about it much more.  I went to the locker room and ran into this girl again.  I waited until we were ready to leave and I stopped her and asked where she got her swimming suit because it was SO beautiful.  She stopped for a minute...stared at me, eyes open wide.  And then her face softened.  She took a breath and said, "well...actually, oh my gosh. Okay, I just have to tell you this...I saw you staring at me in the hot tub and just knew you were "looking at another fat girl thinking why'd she let herself go so bad...??"  I figured you were another one of those fit girls who judge women like me...and I AM SO SORRY.  I put words in your mouth and assumed thoughts in your head...you REALLY do LOVE my swimming suit?? It's new. I ordered it online from Land's End.  I just got it and thought it was so beautiful and couldn't wait to wear it!!"

And we chatted some more after for a while and went our separate ways.  But I left feeling a bittersweet heap of emotions. I hate that she feels women like "me" are assumed judgmental.  And I hate that she felt that way about herself.  And it also saddened me to know that this must be real for some "fit girls" because she so quickly applied those thoughts to her assumed truth.  UGH. But I also felt a twinge of happiness because she and I were able to talk it out, I was able to show her I genuinely did care and she was able to show me the truth of what she deals with daily.  And we left on a good note.

I don't like being assumed as judgmental.
I don't like being assumed as taking steroids.
I don't like being judged for my appearance.
I don't like people making me feel bad for my lifestyle.
I don't like people making me feel bad for choosing healthy meals for my kids.
I don't like it.

But it's real.  Fit shaming is just as bad as fat-shaming.  I have been told people won't work with me as a trainer because I'm intimidating.  Or because they don't want to look bulky like me.  I have been made fun of in the work lunchroom because of my choice of carrots and fruit for a sack lunch item.  I have been teased about "never letting my kids eat real junk food" like all of us other parents.  And it hurts.

Why its okay to make fun of and judge people who are assumed fit by their looks, or lifestyle....and absolutely ABSURD to make statements like that to unhealthy or less fit people is beyond me?!

We may have hard shells on the outside and appear tough confident and unstoppable...but inside we are all made up of the same material.  Insecurity, doubt, fear, anxiety, and discouragement....YET secretly hoping for connection and validation.

YES.  All of us.
Even me...the hard core weight lifter with muscles, who DOES NOT take Anavar or hGh...FYI. (mister FB stalking guy from Germany who called me a false hope for women because there's no way I could look like I do without assistance from illegal drugs)....

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Creamsicle Recovery!

    I typically only recommend supplement products to people who need them...and as a trainer over the year's I realize most people need them.  We don't eat enough.  We don't eat enough quality foods. We don't rest enough.  We don't recover...


    Which leads to fatigue. Injury. Burn out.  No gains.

    So, I love having a go-to solution for my clients now...this is the lately formula!  Beachbody Performance Recovery-->> ORANGE.

    From what I've heard it tastes like orange creamsicle...YUMM...especially for summer.

    Can't wait to receive mine!

    If you want to give it a try, check it out HERE

    The ingredients in Recover Post-Workout Formula are scientifically shown to help:*

  • Speed muscle recovery
  • Combat exercise-induced muscle soreness
  • Reduce muscle breakdown
  • Promote lean-muscle growth
  • Improve adaptation to exercise
  • Improve muscle strength recovery

    What are the key ingredients in Recover?*

  • Pomegranate extract
    This powerful pomegranate extract delivers ellagitannins which are scientifically shown to promote faster muscle recovery while helping to manage exercise-induced muscle soreness. It's a potent recovery-enhancing ingredient that helps speed muscle strength recovery, especially after intense workouts.
  • 20 grams of high-quality protein
    Fast-, intermediate-, and slow-release proteins help provide a rapid and sustained supply of nutrients to help improve muscle recovery and promote muscle growth.
  • Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
    Recover also includes an ideal 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine, branched-chain amino acids that are unique for their ability to help promote muscle synthesis and support rebuilding.

Friday, May 20, 2016


I met with a corporate wellness provider today and discussed nutritional options for people. And it always saddens me when I hear people make assumptions about nutrition having to be all or nothing..
Or admit in guilt "I have a sweet fix everyday..."
I feel like as fitness professionals we have missed the mark in educating people on a lifestyle approach.
I am happy.  Today was leg day. And every leg day is ice cream day.
I work hard. Burn the most calories with my leg workouts. And reward myself. It's give and take.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Words of Wisdom From my Middle-Aged Clients...

You know...of all the things I hear in advice from older women I train as clients...

I hear this the most..."tell young women your age and younger to NOT lose themselves in their kids, their busy lives, and every activity they feel obligated to say"yes" too. It is NOT saintly to give up ALL of yourself, your health, your goals and dreams during this time. It is not an act of humility. At ALL. It is actually the opposite. If you do that, you will be in MY shoes now...overweight, unhappy, with chronic back pain, no identity, depressed and not having a purpose or drive for anything..."
So there it is LADIES! Make TIME for yourself. SET boundaries. MAKE your health a non-negotiable. It is OK. I'm giving you permission to say NO to helping with every school activity. Church dinner or community event. I'm giving you permission to be selfish and show your kids HOW important it is to workout.

So now that we've established that I hear..."well, how do I do that??"

To get the most bang for you buck in terms of longevity, fat burning, long-term health, and a limited daily allowance of time for workouts--I HIGHLY recommend home workouts.  They can BE SO effective.  And here's the deal, because I'm a trainer, I have the ability to adjust the home fitness program to meet your needs.  So for instance, you LOVE 21-day fix meal plan, but want to train for a 5K...I can help program that for you.  Maybe you want to train in a program similar to CrossFit-style of workouts--from home--with a few sets of dumbbells??  Do my new program: sheSTRENGTH.com .  Maybe you just need help with your core and have issues with low back pain...let's get you on a PiYo and strength training plan...with added ab workouts...

There is a WAY. PLUS you can be coached by me...WITH daily accountability.  Are you struggling with meal prep ideas and where to begin for summer cooking now that the kids are home all day??  Join my 10-day nutrition course where I train you in all the quick tips, shortcuts, and wholesome meals my kids love...on a budget! I'll send you a week's worth of my workout plan to get you started as well!!

Are you ready???
Sign up here for more information>>>  I'm ready!!! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Repost: I see you...tired weary momma...

This morning I shuffled into church dragging Autum behind me, half-whining because I wouldn't let her choose her activity bag--it was one of those, we are running late, you get what you get situations...

I sit down and do a quick once-over...two earrings in? Check.  Matching shoes? Check.  Shirt not tucked into panties? Check.  No snot, food, or toilet paper stuck to me anywhere?  Check.  Food in teeth? Check.

Ok, at least I eliminated most completely humiliating situations I can think of...the rest I'll just roll with.  Surely I have experienced something worse...I'll survive.

Take a deep breath.  Sit for a second.  Then stand to sing and greet one another.  I look across the aisle to see a young couple quickly shooing their kids into the pew, one child a few months old, the other a early toddler...diaper bag strewn across the mommy's chest.  Dad had baby at his shoulder with burp rag on his chest.  Toddler was not happy with the sitting situation, nor to be rushed and shushed.  And of course this all happens when singing stops and all goes quiet.  (been there...)  Momma plops him up on the pew on his bottom....sits the diaper bag down, and sits to do her quick once-over of herself...before realizing the rest of us are all standing to greet one another.  She takes a deep breath and stands back up...and we make eye contact...

One of those...put on a fake smile, hope this make-up covers my dark circles, and that I only had time to curl the front half of my hair convinces everyone else I'm ok.  I'm good.  I can do this.  I'm super mom.  One of those, masked smiles.  Masking all the emotions that can erupt at any given moment if prompted.  But you are working so hard to mute.  To convince the rest of us around you, you are good.  And for the brief moment we made eye contact I feel like so much more was exchanged...than half-smiles.  More like this feeling of:

"Momma...it's ok.  I get it.  I didn't brush my teeth either. In fact I'm wearing workout shorts under my non-ironed dress because I have not done laundry in a week...(more like haven't had a brief moment too)...

And your son had a cookie and a few chips, half an apple, and some pudding for breakfast?  I know.  Been there.  My kids had left-over birthday cake and water.  And shared the 2 pancakes leftover in the freezer.  I told them if they asked for syrup they'd be walking to church by themselves.
Yep.  I feel you.

You cried yourself to sleep last night in total exhaustion, feeling like you aren't seen or heard...your efforts are unseen, unappreciated, unknown?  Yep.  I have cried tears in hidden moments too many times to count...cupboards, car rides to school, in doctor's offices, in the shower, in the middle of the night feedings...yep, all me, too.  Just if someone could understand, reach out, hear you, validate your lack of getting anything done, your weariness, questioning what you are doing, will you ruin your kids...how does anyone do this moment...just someone, pleeeease?? (*sigh) I do, weary momma. I am.  I do.  I've been there.  Over and over again.

Your dress is too tight.  None of your jeans fit yet.  Your hair hasn't been cut or colored in months.  You don't even feel like a woman most days.  Sometimes you daydream of days of old, wearing pretty dresses, make-up always done, house clean, and responsibilities few?  You just wish the weight would fall off.  Or you wish you had time to shop for new clothes, without 3 kids at your feet in the changing room...while you cry your new mascara down your cheeks...feeling desperate and frumpy and unattractive.  I get it.  I have walked out of too many changing rooms and department stores to count...just holding in the tears until I got to the car. 

I know your stress.  Your fears.  Your pains.  Your mess-ups.  Your undesirable yelling fits.  Your anger.  Your regrets.  Your constant asking for forgiveness.  Your silent prayers.  All the same for me.  All my struggles.  They are there.

Just know, this half-smile is my acknowledgement of your feelings of failure.  Your feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.  Yes.  Me too.  All validated.  And understood.  And this half-smile is also my encouragement.  Keep fighting.  Keep praying.  Keep pushing through.  It does get better.  It does.

Trust me.
But for now, just know.
I see you, tired, weary momma.  I see you.

((And REMEMBER...in all of this.  It's OKAY to make time for yourself.  To step back and NEED help. To pamper yourself. TO take 30 minutes for yourself a day.  To breathe.  You aren't a bad momma for recognizing you need help and need a break.  I prefer to use my "me-time" to exercise...to relieve stress and better my health.  If you are looking for a community, online, that encourages that idea, then join us here:  sheSTRENGTH I have designed a home fitness program for women that is VERY different than most, in that we focus on empowerment, mindset, encouragement, support, and struggle.  NOT perfection.  If you are needing help, we are here....come join us for your 30-minutes a day of "mom-time."))

How I get My Workouts in During Summer while the Kids are Home

It's summer time so that means kids will be home more!
I get asked a lot how I get my kids to entertain themselves while I workout...when they were smaller it was definitely harder. SO I used to get up and do some of my workout before they awoke or at naptime.

As they got older I set aside a box of toys specified for just "Mommy workout time"...and they could only play with them during my workouts.
That applied also to DVD's and iPad time too.

Now they workout with me, or make up their own workout routines and video them like I do for my fitness programming...set up obstacle courses...and time each other doing them. They also make music play lists for us to workout or dance to after I'm done.

Those are a few of my tips, anyway. Somedays its just a good 'ol dose of "MOMMY NEEDS THIS...or we will all suffer!!" 

So now that we've established that I hear..."well, what can I do for a workout that is the most efficient in a short amount of time??"

To get the most bang for you buck in terms of longevity, fat burning, long-term health, and a limited daily allowance of time for workouts--I HIGHLY recommend home workouts.  They can BE SO effective.  And here's the deal, because I'm a trainer, I have the ability to adjust the home fitness program to meet your needs.  So for instance, you LOVE 21-day fix meal plan, but want to train for a 5K...I can help program that for you.  Maybe you want to train in a program similar to CrossFit-style of workouts--from home--with a few sets of dumbbells??  Do my new program: sheSTRENGTH.com .  Maybe you just need help with your core and have issues with low back pain...let's get you on a PiYo and strength training plan...with added ab workouts...

There is a WAY. PLUS you can be coached by me...WITH daily accountability.  Are you struggling with meal prep ideas and where to begin for summer cooking now that the kids are home all day??  Join my 10-day nutrition course where I train you in all the quick tips, shortcuts, and wholesome meals my kids love...on a budget! I'll send you a week's worth of my workout plan to get you started as well!!

Are you ready???
Sign up here for more information>> I'm ready!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Creating a Future

I just made a video for a gal who's considering opening her own online fitness studio, but works at a bank?! And has no previous experience coaching fitness, BUT loves what the accountability has done in her own life...and wants to make this work...

I asked her this: What are you willing to sacrifice short term to live the rest of your life exactly the way you want?

Will you be willing to work harder than most people do for a few short years to live the rest of her time on this earth the way most people will never experience?

That's what an entrepreneur/CEO does. That's the difference between a millionaire mindset and an employee mindset and the quality of life depends on how big of picture she is willing to think!

Everyone including myself who has built their dream life up from nothing will tell you it's hard work but it's the best work. Nothing compares to achieving everything you set out to do and then some. However, that's a personal choice and takes showing up day after day. Not just when you feel like it. And being real, open, honest, and consistent.

Live the DREAM. It's never to late to start new. Create your future now.


Apply here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KnaHDz-3dGu46Vp8LP3g1-_vhq_qyQiIoIUmqX3kpQ0

Live real. Live raw. Share your journey.

Today I look back and ask myself, what if? What if I had continued to pursue my degree in art and graphic design? What if I hadn't decided to pursue my degree in exercise science and make a career path out of my passion for fitness and people?

One thing I know for sure, I would not be here. With the opportunity to expand my fitness business globally. I would not have had the opportunity to be impacted by so many people's lives that came into contact with mine through various stages of their fitness journeys. I would not have been able to use my God-given gifts of encouragement and compassion to redefine the goals of fitness in so many women's lives. I would not have this platform, I now have, to change the name of the game in home fitness. I wouldn't have the opportunity to gain financial and time freedom, that is just on the horizon for me, now. By living out a dream, doing what I love, every day.

My point. Don't disregard the opportunities around you, just because they may not be the societal acceptance of "work." Pursue your passions and purpose, wholeheartedly. Live real, live raw, and share your journey. 
Join me for a LIVE sneak peek to changing your future in business...join us here: https://www.facebook.com/events/274828836192462/


Monday, May 16, 2016

Meal Prep Monday


Meal Prep Ideas for Spring! So many colors and nutrient-dense options...

Buffet-Style Meal Prep Ideas

My 10-Day Nutrition Group Kicks off Today...we all have our meal plans ready. Recipe's planned. Groceries shopped for. Now to begin applying the information we are learning.  10-days of daily challenges.  Needing accountability?  Not sure where to begin?

My next online group begins the first part of June!
Join here: http://forms.aweber.com/form/08/2122694508.htm

Find out more at: Anna Woods Fitness on Facebook
Email me at: anna@shestrength.com
Or visit: shestrength.com

Sunday, May 15, 2016

What the heck is the 3-Day Refresh??

I get asked all the time...how do you recover from a weekend of binge eating and drinking?

Headache. Bloat. Guilt. Shame. Weight gain...

Vicious cycle...

I have found this 3-Day Refresh a great choice because it still encourages you to eat good foods, just to choose specific ones to help your system detox, and debloat.  It is energizing, resets your tastebuds and promotes new focus for a workout program or cleaner eating plan.

Triathlon Recovery Products

Every summer for the past few, Leah and I have completed the Salty Dog Sprint Triathlon. It's a 400 m. swim, 10 mile bike and 5k run.  She does the kids version which is shorter.  Prior to that my sister, mom and I have traveled around and completed in various lengths of triathlons in a tri-state area.  After having more kids, my time training for these events has shortened up and so now it's more for enjoyment and a shared adventure with my kids...

BUT I am still a HUGE fan. We love watching the Ironman Hawaii Events on TV every year.  And I keep up with various athletes who complete them. The training, dedication, sacrifices, mental toughness, family and community support for someone training for one of these events is INSPIRATIONAL in itself--and very few are willing to go there to complete one. 

Many hire strength coaches, nutritionists, sports psychologists, chiropractors, physicians, massage therapists, endurance coaches, swim coaches, and so MUCH more to help them be at the top of their game and fully prepared for these events and training prep work.  Every detail as to the aerodynamics of the bikes they use.  The shoes they run in. Helmets they wear.  Food they eat.  And lastly, supplements they use!

I was thrilled to see the same exact product line I've been recommending for my strength training, half marathon training, and CrossFit client's is also being recognized at the Ironman North American Series of races!!  It feels good to be backed up by such a higher source of elite athletes, that what you are recommending for your athletes is the same and BEST choice for professional athletes.

Pretty cool!  Read more here: http://m.ironman.com/press-releases/2016/05/beachbody-performance.aspx#axzz48at3oTCU

And check out the specs on the performance line HERE.

I'd love to help you make a choice that best fits your needs, based on my experience with the products so far.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

5 Reasons You Are NOT Losing Weight

There are many scientific reasons why a person can't lose weight--many beyond my control or expertise. BUT...there are a few things I've learned over the years that hinder people's weight loss journey.  And you might be surprised to hear what they are...

1. Maybe you don't need to lose weight. 
Yes... you read that right.  Maybe your body is at its set point for fat loss (especially those of you STILL trying to lose those last 10 pounds).  Our bodies have a natural set point of weight, in general, and so continuing to try lose and cut weight will only cause your body to hold onto more weight or actually in some cases, gain weight. In addition, we have a false comparison in society to what's healthy.  The "norm" standard of size and appearance is not real or achievable.  Look around you, the false pretense we try to reach is computer-created.  Air-brushed.  And fairy-tale made.  

2. Maybe you are working out too much or too long.

Yes, you read that right.  Depending what type of workout's you are completing. How many days a week. How long each workout is and how much of the workout is cardio.  How much is weight training. If its high intensity. Long-slow endurance. Your age. Your current state of fitness.  How much sleep you are getting. The environmental stresses in your life.  I typically recommend no more than 30 minutes of cardio with intervals included for fat-burning purposes and to eliminate boredom :)  I also recommend strength training 3-4 days a week for 30-45 minutes.  Studies show most cardio workouts over and hour only burn energy after a certain point and no longer contribute to fat-burning...PLUS they wear down the body physically and mentally.  

3.  You aren't strong enough.
Yes, if you have been stuck at a certain weight for a while and can't seem to get the scale to budge then most likely you aren't strong enough.  I always ask women why men lose fat faster than women...and they always know the answer "because men have more lean muscle."  Well, guess what? We as women, can also improve our lean muscle mass.  Which in turn, burns more fat.  BUT this requires you to be willing to gain some weight on the scale for a while.  To build lean muscle, a person can't live in a deficit of food and excessive exercise.  To build lean muscle, one has to increase calories to feed the muscle, and one has to lift heavier weights.  

4.  You have the wrong mindset.
Yes. Maybe you have been focusing on the wrong number all along.  Because focusing on the scale weight isn't a great long-term focus.  It doesn't tell you how much weight you lift.  It doesn't tell you how far you can run. It doesn't tell you how determined you are.  It doesn't show your heart.  Your focus.  Your purpose.  It just determines the gravitational pull your body has on this earth. Nothing more.  I coach my clients to focus on more "telling" things....like weights lifted, new skills learned, new distances run, hitting the gym 4 times this week, motivating your friend to start working out, feeling more confident in your day to day activities...AND then your fitness purpose becomes more empowering.

5.  You are not consistent.
I can't speak enough to the value of having a consistent program.  A consistent coach. Consistent people surrounding you ]--on the same journey as you.  It is not effective for fat loss purposes to jump around from workout to workout. Program to program.  Tearing a page out of Muscle and Fitness this week.  Running 3 miles the next.  Doing a p90x3 video the following day.  Being sore so skipping 4 days.  And then Monday trying a Pinterest ab burner.  Nope.  There is a science and reasoning behind why programs are put together the way they are. The rest days are calculated. The muscle groups used to push and pull movements are set specifically for muscle building purposes. The cardio intervals and ratio to strength training each week are designed for leaning out and increased energy.  And I can't even speak to the value of form and technique which comes from watchful eyes on you from a coach, as you learn strength movements--after a certain point the efficiency of a lift is MOST important to improve strength and therefore burn fat.  But it is hard to critique yourself to this point, a coach or a peer's eyes are needed.  And finally, consistency is best met when other people are encouraging you and are pursuing the same goals as you--showing up daily and doing the work alongside you...this is when true goals are met and are SO much sweeter to be celebrated!

 If you are looking for a program to meet these needs, to help reset your mindset and nutritional approach, to provide carefully assessed workouts and program details to fit your needs, AS well as provide a built-in community to your journey...then apply below!