Home Gym: February 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

sheMASTER'S Sneak Peek

Today's workout idea revolves around my sheMASTER'S program that we released a sneak peek of last week!  This is one of the workout series we will be hosting in our App that is set to launch in March--WE HOPE!!  My mom and I designed this program for the older adult. This template comes with 4-5 days a week of exercises that you will have direct access to via the app PLUS daily coaching.

((As a side note, I would appreciate prayers on that.))

But this particular workout is called a PLATE SLIDE.
This works the glutes. The hamstrings. The quads.  If you are inside on carpet, use a paper plate or DVD case.  If you are on a wood floor or a cement floor, use a towel or a plastic plate.

Here is a demonstration.
Complete 3x12 of this exercise.
Focus on keeping the front leg anchored in the heel.  Imagine pulling the back leg to the front leg. Keep the core engaged and braced. Glute muscles turned on.  Shoulders up and back, look straight ahead.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

My First Podcast Experience--Rural Women Inspired


My interview with Mindy Young, from Rural Life Inspired.
"Get fit in mindset and body with Anna Woods! Anna stresses the important in becoming fit in your mind first and foremost. Her passion is helping rural women to put themselves first and help them to realize that they are amazing.
Anna is awesome and so inspiring. I can honestly tell you that after chatting with her, my mindset did a complete 180. But, don’t just take my word for it."
Click the link below to hear my podcast and read the show notes from our interview!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Your Daughter Is...

I have walked through the IEP process in school with Blake for 5 years now.  We discuss his deficiencies, his strengths, we match goals to his current abilities. We discuss how best to help him. And its pretty straightforward. I've had a blessing with great staff, therapists, and administrators who graciously handle his IEP in a way that keeps him as the main focus, for the all of these years.

And with Down Syndrome, overall, its typically what you see is what you get.

Yesterday we sat down for another meeting for my daughter. She has undergone IEP accommodation testing the past few months, after we resolved to see if she would qualify.  School is difficult for her in many ways. And its unfair. I hate that she can't learn like other kids learn.  Or she can't relate to her peers like other kids her age.

She had a diagnosis of Asperger's many year's ago and I always felt it wasn't accurate.  So maybe that's me in denial, or maybe that's my mom gut.  We have adjusted diet. We have done counseling. We have done family therapy. We have provided after school tutoring.  We work at home as much as we can on her areas of struggle.  We have added interventions at school for her. We include her in activities she can thrive in and also learn from.  We work to set an example for her.  Teach her. 

And yesterday I kept fighting this feeling of..."it wasn't enough."

As you listen to the staff list off where she struggled, where she had deficiencies, where she came up short...it is REALLY HARD...not to feel guilty.  Could we have done more? Should we have tested earlier?  Why can't she just learn like others?  We didn't make the right choices. We shouldn't have moved so many times...

The same concept I scream, preach and encourage YOU all to fight for "i am enough."  Left me hanging yesterday.  I didn't feel I was enough for a few hours there.  It's heart-breaking to feel like if you would have only "coulda shoulda woulda"...

Things could be different for her.
And as we drove home, she was tired. Hangry. And insecure about what the next few months of her school will look like...I blocked out her words...and I just kept fighting off the lies in my head trying to convince me I had failed her. Because I fully knew that wasn't true.

And as I went live last night to share with you all about "the journey." Enduring the struggle, embracing the hardships, and sticking to it--not being a Quitzilla...because the end result/transformation would be worth it.  I thought to myself.  These words are just as important for me to hear as anyone else.

And so here we go...embracing the hardship of another journey in my life, helping a child who loves school but can't learn the way others learn---find a way to learn. And cope.  That is unique to her.

And so begins...
Operation: LEARN.

So here I am, being transparent, open, and real with you about my new journey...one that I'm going to confidently embrace the hardship of knowing for my daughter's transformation and sake...it will be worth it!

--->>If you missed my LIVE broadcast last night, hop on over to: fb.com/anna.woods.homegym and scroll down to LIVE video's.  <<---

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Re: I Choose.

Reposted from my blog: Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015

I Choose...

Update: Almost 2 year's later to the date I wrote this blog.  I am reflecting on this blog. The emotion I had writing it.  And where I am now.  This morning I was reading about Peter walking on water, when he challenged Jesus of His identity.  And how as he began to fear the wind and the storm, he began to sink.  If that doesn't describe the past 2 year's for me, I do NOT know what does.  

I began coaching with Team Beachbody, so I could coach women from home. And still be a part of an industry I loved..during my year of rest.

And through that time, my heart began to form the mission of sheSTRENGTH.  I am still uncertain if this is part of God's proclamation when He spoke to me so clearly about having something more planned for my life.  But I am still here, still trying to trust God--walking on this water without fearing the "storms."  

And as the CrossFit Open is upon us again, I get feelings of sadness, and miss out on this "high" and excitement during this season of this sport.  I see all of my friends training, setting themselves up with high chances of making Regionals and the Games (my previous goals)...and its HARD.  I fight bitterness.  Lack of hope.  BUT I know this was what my calling was at this time...knowing it doesn't have to be an "end all be all" but this season of my life isn't competing...

It's a time for refining of my soul. A time for me to teach and invest in others.  And be an encourager.  Because what I'm realizing is...I have 10x more impact on other's lives from behind my computer in a place of constant humility--than I ever did from the top of a podium.

I Peter 5:6 --Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. ... 

I am typing this blog with tears streaming down my face...my heart aching.  Stomach churning.
This is the week of the CrossFit Open.  2015.  My year. What I've been training for.  This has been my goal year for awhile now.  I've worked harder the past year than ever.  Reaching new goals.  New heights.  New weights.  New movements.  Checking off my lists of weaknesses.  No distractions.  Fully focused.  This is it.  The season starts, tomorrow night.

This is where my hard work pays off.  Where I lay it all down.  For the next 5 weeks, completing workouts, submitting scores against other people in my Region, in hopes of making it to Regionals in May.  Regionals.  My motivating factor through every sweaty workout, every 5:00 am wake-up call, every mental battle, every "I want to quit," every bruise, every ache and pain, every get back up again.  I just want to get there.  All my IG posts scream, "you can do this!"  "No excuses!"  "It's Now or Never!" "You earn what you put into it."  "If you work hard enough, your dreams will come true..."

And I do.  I really do.  Hope they do.

Someday.  For sure, someday.
Just not any day soon.

My turning point came at a competition in December.  I was the oldest female athlete.  The only one with kids.  Most definitely the only one with 2 kids with special needs.  The only one married for double digit years.

Hmmm...where was everyone else my age?  With kids?
Not there.  Because this stage of life is hard.  Harder than any Open workout.  Life with "little's" is full-time.  Overtime.  All the time work.  And I was the only one crazy enough to try to do both.

The disbelief by the other competitors struck me.  How do I do it?  How do I make time?  How do I train hard and be a mom/wife?  While I felt honored to be able to share that I was doing it.  And it could be done...
I was convicted all at the same time.

And I couldn't shake this conviction.  That I wasn't really doing it all.  Well.
I prayed and wrestled with God for a month...what am I supposed to do? I can't possibly give up all I've worked so hard for, for so long.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't compete.  Competing is my motivation. My push.  My drive.  I live for it.

So I prayed for an answer.  A solution.  A way to do it all.
And it came...loud and clear one Sunday afternoon while I was praying for discernment as to what I should do about my CrossFit goals and my goals as a wife and mom.  And as clear as day, I felt the Holy Spirit say, "You will rest this year.  That is your big performance.  You will be done for now......I have bigger plans for you."

And this may be where I lose most of you.  Because I have doubted this clearly spoken directive, myself. Over and over.  But as soon as I surrendered to this, as soon as I said Lord, your will be done.  I want to follow you.  Obey you.  This goosebump like peace fell over my body.  And I knew this to be my decision.

I asked several people to pray over me in this decision as I knew it would be hard as the CrossFit season neared.  As people asked me if I was getting excited...and ready...and if I was going to get to Regionals this year.  Because I truly want to say, "YES! I'M READY...I'M GOING TO DO THIS! I am ready to make a name for myself, #homegym is ready to make a statement.  Prove my efforts. This is it!"

And I knew the battle would be hard.  I expected people not to understand.  Or buy my real lack of reasoning.
I am obviously struggling with it tonight.  It's tough.

But much more than I want to be known as a CrossFit athlete that is a mom and a wife and does it all...
I want to be known for not doing anything.  Transparent
Only as a humble servant of Christ.  Who honors her husband.  Guides her children.  Loves her Lord and Father.


I love working out. And will continue to do so. Hard. Because that is a passion God has put in my heart.
But right now, under the umbrella of rest.  Sitting still.  Waiting.
And this could quite possibly be the hardest workout I've done yet.  Because there are no banners screaming "do less."  "Be still."  "Rest."  "Be quiet."  "Seek nothing."  And no one encourages you to seek the slower, smaller route.  Because this type of workout, this resting piece,  requires faith.  Faith in things unseen.

Things hoped for.

Things of eternal value that carry no merit on this earth. And don't fill a scoreboard.  Or earn me points.  Sponsorships or recognition.  No, this workout involves more discipline, sacrifice, humility, stepping aside so God can work...effort. It requires hands-on parenting. Being purposeful with my husband.  Jobs I may never receive affirmation for this side of Heaven.  No measuring progress.  No immediate results.  All based on hope.  And faith and love.

And this, my friends, is the kind of workout I want to live for.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Top 3 Tips to Build a Booty!!

There are several ways people complete their squats, lunges, or carry their posture in a way that deters true strength and sculpting in the butt/thigh area...

#1 Mistake: Not warming up the glutes before lifting.
--> Complete exercises like good mornings, side to side steps with mini-band, and banded squats

#2 Mistake: Not knowing how to activate the glutes.
--> You have to tell your brain to fire the glutes at first, before it becomes habit.  (band exercises are great for this, as well as consciously telling yourself to use them)

#3 Mistake: Squatting or Lunging wrong.
--> Most people do not push their butt's back far enough to squat or lunge. They let their knees cave in and forward and therefore fall into the trap of "My knees hurt when I squat!"  Squat to a lower target behind you when first learning to squat. A ball, a box, a low bench are all great targets to squat too.