Home Gym: July 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Next 5-Day Challenge is a DUO!!

Ok...you've all been asking me what's in store next for our 5-Day Challenge....SO in case you missed it on Facebook, here's what we have for you beginning August 1.

(drumroll please)

This time it's a 5-Day Duo!! So grab a partner, spouse, roommate, sister, and challenge them to finish with you!!!

πŸ‘ŠπŸ»5-Upper Body Workouts
πŸ‘ŠπŸ»5-Days of Coaching
πŸ‘ŠπŸ»Fat Loss Tips

SO cool! Now you have added accountability to yourself and the rest of us...someone that lives with you or near you, PUSHING you!!  Are you ready?

The only equipment you will need access to are dumbbells or a resistance band.  Otherwise your bodyweight is GOOD.  Plus 10-15 minutes a day. AND a small space to complete the workouts in.

HERE we go...click the LINK below to request to be added to the private 5-Day Group!!

 CLICK here to request to be added to the GROUP--> https://www.facebook.com/groups/1628590877462855/

Here's a workout to get you started while you WAIT for August 1!!


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Top 3 Reasons Women Should Lift Heavy Weights

I was sitting in the park this morning while my kids played on the playground...and we began chatting about exercise..

And she said I've started exercising several times and EVERY single time I do I gain weight...SO I quit.  There's no motivation to continue when you gain 4 lbs. in a week and your goal is to lose weight...

Well, I agree with that 100%.  But, this is the exact reason I coach women differently.  This is the exact reason why I hate using the scale as a measurement of one's fitness level.  It tells us nothing related to that.   In fact, most of the fittest women on earth weight a LOT by the scales standards.  According to the BMI, I am obese!!  And my body weight is 150 and body fat is less than 20% right now.

Ummm, something's off.  So this all leads into my 3 reasons women should lift heavy weights.

3) Self-confidence and Empowerment.

Almost ALWAYS, after I've been working with a client for a week or two with weight lifting, they can NOT believe how much stronger they immediately begin to feel.  Increasing 5 lbs. in a lift they couldn't do the week before is pretty FREAKING awesome.  I have realized that most women are crazy-strong.  Stronger than they've ever realized or give themselves credit for being.  AND, my gals who are thicker, like myself, NOW have an AWESOME advantage over their smaller counterparts they've been jealous of for years, because they can lift a whole HECK of a lot of weight.  THIS light suddenly switches on within them that says "I am STRONG."  I can do this.  AND I LOVE this.  And they carry themselves out the door in a whole different way....wearing what I call "confidence."

2) Body Changes.

I will get messages from women right after they finish 4-weeks of my sheSTRENGTH  home fitness program, and say "My BUTT is firming up! I can't believe how different the back of my legs look..." Or "look at my shoulders, there is definitely a muscle popping up out of there..."  After year's and year's of cardio-ing themselves to death and dieting away any muscle they had ONLY to see the scale drop---while also seeing more cellulite appear, she overcomes hear fear of "getting bulky" or "gaining weight" and gives it a try.  She learns how to do the movements safely and effectively in the comfort of her own home.  And even after 2 weeks she can feel things starts firming up...and her motivation shifts from weight lost to strength gained. To NOW having the power to change her entire body, how it looks, feels, and moves.  And that power is unstoppable.  Its what gets her up every morning.  It's what motivates her to buy those short shorts she's eyed for years.  It's taking control of her body and striving for strength.

1) Fat Loss Because of Calories Burned

You will shed more fat with lifting weights than most other forms of exercise.  Because weight lifting causes a hormonal response in the body, that continues to burn long after the session is over.  And as more lean muscle is added, more fat is burned at a resting and working state.  Just like men, who can lose more weight quicker, because of more lean mass...women can do the same, by lifting weights and increasing lean mass--which equates to more fat lost.  This fat lost is usually shown in how clothes fit, through pictures, and through inches lost--NOT the scale. 

Are you ready to give heavy lifting a try??
I know many of you are probably fearful of what that means.  Of getting hurt. Of getting bulky.  But, I ask you to give it a try for 5 weeks at a minimum and experience it for yourself.

I lead women just like yourself through online groups, working through 1 day at a time, building foundational strength through a scientifically-based program.  You will receive daily coaching and encouragement.  Accountability from other women and myself.  In addition you receive a tool kit to prepare healthy meals, recipe ideas, nutrition facts for lifting weights and growing muscles.  PLUS 1 week of mental mindset training and growth.  I KNOW you will be amazed at how you feel and how your body changes in just a short time.

To start redefining your own version of strength and being strong, I would LOVE to have you be a part of my movement.  It is a journey to being stronger. Being a better version of YOU.  And it starts with YOU.

So sign up to be a part of my 4-week Strength Training Program. I'll email you workouts and video's and my best tips to safely lifting weights at home....

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The BEST Love-Handle Ab Workout.

Just need a mat today...

And a desire to get rid of those love handles. You know those ones that sit right on top of your pants or swimsuit???

Yes, those.  While 80% of this problem is related to your nutrition, I'm still going to show you some exercises to strengthen the muscles that run through that area because if anything else we want to get stronger, right?! More muscle equals faster metabolism!

SO, here's how it goes....
It's called Oblique 8's...
8 sets of 8 of each exercise each side...

8 rounds of:
8 Russian Twist
8 Side Plank Raises (R/L)
8 Side V-Ups
8 Quadraped Reaches

Did you know technically you can NOT spot reduce???  But what you can do is increase your lean muscle with strength training and properly programmed cardio and eating enough calories to rebuild this muscle AND therefore BOOST your metabolism.  More muscle equals more fat-burning hormones...and that equals less LOVE handles.  Win-win.

If you are unsure where to begin, I recommend completing my 4-Week Strength Training Template. It delivers daily emails to your inbox with video's, tips and tricks for safe and effective movements, it helps prepare you for building a base strength to boosting that metabolism AND it will help you eliminate that love-handle region.

Sign up below.

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

5" off your BUTT and Thigh's!!

I'm sending you this opportunity as faithful followers...!!! The ladies that completed the last 5-Day Butt and Thigh Challenge lost anywhere from 2-5" in their thighs and hips...and that was in just 5-days!!

They focused on drinking half their bodyweight in ounces of water a day. AND had to eat one serving of fruits and veggies a day.  WOW!  I am SO excited for you to try it out.  Have all of these workouts sent straight to you inbox each day for the next 5-days and give them a try. No equipment needed. Not a lot of space or time. Just a little bit of drive and effort.  And this could be the jump-start to your fitness goals being achieved NEXT!

I can't wait to get hear about your results.
Click the link below to begin.
And follow me at:
Snapchat--Username: home.gym


Monday, July 11, 2016

Go-To Meatless, Gluten-Free Meal!

This is a meatless and gluten-free meal we whip up for lunch quite often! It's quick, easy, tasty and my kids WILL eat it--haha! Because that's always my concern.

Fry up a corn tortilla. Actually like 10...told you they like this meal! 

Remove from heat and slather on refried beans or black beans. 

Can also add hamburger if you want more protein. 

Cheese. (Of course)
Lettuce and tomato and salsa.

Stack another fried corn tortilla on top...repeat for as much as they will eat...OR as high as you will let them stack it.

For more tips and tricks like this PLUS access to my 4-Week Strength Training Template for Women to complete at home...which includes safe and effective movements through video's in daily emails...sign up below.

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Track Circuit Ideas!

 Today's workout is for those of you who love getting outside for some fresh air. This is great for over the lunch hour! For those of you sitting at kid's ball games all year long.  And for those of you wanting something different to throw into your typical fitness routine.

So here it is!!
Monday's ‪#‎sheLIFT‬'s workout!!
Find a set of stairs somewhere and get moving-->
5 laps: High knee jog to the top
25 walking lunges across
Walk down
25 walking lunges across
10 Knee-Up's

Make sure to warm-up good for beginning. Run/Walk a lap. Do some leg swings.  Butt kicks. High knee jog.  Side steps. Skips. Arm swings. Heel raises off a step.  Torso twists. Shoulder swings. Foam roll your calves before and after you finish.

For more workout ideas like this one, sign up to be a part of my 4-week strength training template and safety exercise series!  I will email you daily workouts, tips and tricks, and my best advice for losing fat with strength training.

Sign up below to be invited.

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Patriotic Toast

Total Time: 15 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 1 slice
2 tsp. all-natural almond butter
1 slice whole grain bread, toasted
11 fresh blueberries
12 fresh raspberries OR strawberries (my family doesn't like raspberries very well)
¼ medium banana, cut in half lengthwise, cut into ½-inch slices
1. Spread almond butter evenly on toast.
2. To create a fruit flag, place five raspberries in a line parallel to the bottom of bread.
3. Place banana slices above raspberries.
4. Repeat with raspberries.
5. Place one banana slice on right side above raspberries.
6. Place two raspberries above banana slice.
7. Place one banana slice above raspberries.
8. Create a square of blueberries on the upper left corner. Serve.

I got this recipe from: http://www.teambeachbody.com/teambeachbodyblog/nutrition/peanut-butter-banana-and-berry-toast