Home Gym: January 2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Your Cell Phone is Killing You...

Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter and allowing me to be a part of your week!
Below you will find this week's workout.  As well as the calendar for what Team HomeGym Fitness Studio will have available the next month.  

This week's video is to address the shoulder, neck, and back pain I seem to keep hearing about from clients.  And here's the deal...our cell phones are going to be the death of us...

They cause slouching.
Looking down.
Shoulder roundedness
Carpal Tunnel

So now we have to look at our shoulders and posture with MUCH more awareness...
Here are my quick tips for reducing and counter-acting that.

So I want to be the first to invite you to my endurance home fitness plan. 
  • 12 weeks
  • Strength Training Workouts
  • Ab Workouts
  • Running Plan with increased mileage each week
  • Superfood Recovery shakes
  • Daily Coaching
  • Access to an online running community
  • Accountability
Email: anna@shestrength.com to get more information

Monday, January 23, 2017

How to Help Alleviate Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Most runner's disregard the mobility of their ankles, hips, knees, and pelvis.  And as a result they become injured.  Probably the most important aspect of improved running speed and endurance is a direct reflection of their mobility!  Plain and simple.  So do the little things.  Such as foam rolling and educating yourself on how to avoid injury.  

These are my best tips for preventing and alleviating plantar fasciitis pain.  You might be surprised by what I say.

And in addition, because I'm passionate about educating people in a way that is helpful and healthy, I'm leading a 12-week Train for a Half Marathon Community online in February.
So I want to be the first to invite you to my endurance home fitness plan. Here's what it will look like!
  • 12 weeks
  • Strength Training Workouts
  • Ab Workouts
  • Running Plan with increased mileage each week
  • Superfood Recovery shakes
  • Daily Coaching
  • Access to an online running community
  • Accountability
Email me here: anna@shestrength.com to join!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

To the Mom's "Who Just Want a Healthy Baby"

I remember I used to say that.

"I don't care if we have a baby boy or baby girl, I just want her to be healthy."

Blake was proud to be Baker Blake yesterday.
Not that I was wrong for saying it. But now I look back after a lot of life experience and wonder what I truly meant by that.

Like I want my baby to have 5 finger's and toes?
Or I want my baby to look and act like other babies?

Hmmm. I'm not sure I even really knew what I was saying when I said it.
But now my whole view is different, and I look at "healthy" babies and kids in a whole new light.

I have 2 kids with special needs.
1 child has Down Syndrome.
1 child has Sensory Processing/Speech/Language/Anxiety and other diagnoses.

And they are both healthy in my eyes.
I follow a lot of friends on Facebook, other mom's and dad's who's kids have different diagnoses and I look at their kids as AMAZING little humans in this world who probably have a better grip and understanding on life than us all.

In fact, most of my experiences with kids with special needs has lead to me learning something about myself, my perspective, my views, my intentions and SO much more.

Could it be our fear of our kids being unhealthy is a direct reflection of our own insecurities or inabilities?  It might magnify our struggles or true heart.

Or are we fearful we won't be able to take care of or meet the needs of our child with special needs? Because in my experience, God knows what He's doing and if designed us to be these kiddo's parents, then we are more than equipped.

I don't know the answers.  I'm still trying to figure them out myself.

But what I do know is, These special kids are LIFE-CHANGER'S.  Their momma's and daddy's can attest to that.  Their teacher's and para's and Sunday School teacher's will agree with that.  These kid's have a purpose and a light inside them that none of us can ever have. Even if they don't seem to have a voice. They WILL have an impact we quote "normal" people can never have. Sometimes through unspoken, indescribable words.

And I don't know about you...but I'm HONORED to be a mom of 2 children who may have a medical diagnoses as unhealthy...but who's hearts and soul's can light up a room, a community, and a world. 

Here are a few of my favorite family's who's lives are impacted by kid's with special needs BUT who are better off because of it.  DON'T get me wrong, there are days we hate the conditions our kids have to go through and we hate what their diagnosis does to them...and it's NOT easy.  BUT they are our children and we will fight for them however we can.  And because of that, we are stronger.

Monday, January 9, 2017

When You Don't Feel You Compare

The end of the year for entrepreneurs involves a lot auditing, figuring, organizing and preparing for the next year's taxes. As I've scrolled through our finances it is sometimes hard not to see the fruits of my efforts with my fitness businesses...especially with the hopes and goals I have and where I'm at right now. Seems like you work so hard and don't have anything to show for it.

Because according to all my other entrepreneur friends...

I wasn't able to buy a new vehicle.
We didn't go on a lavish vacation.
I wasn't able to spoil my kids with memorable trips.
We didn't remodel the bathroom.

And that's what I see and have fallen into a trap of comparing with.

Because what I have forgotten is:
We have a son with extra physical needs meaning I had to write checks for his dental sedation appointments at a hospital instead of a regular dentist.

I had to pay for a cardiology appointment just to get approval for the dentist. 

I had to pay for lab work for the cardiologist because insurance is saying Down Syndrome isn't a medical condition. 

We had to restart some therapies for some unspoken struggles. 

We have to drive to Kansas City (3+ hours away) for appointments every few months. 

And we were able to pay for it all. Out of our monthly income. On time.

So while it isn't glamorous or noteworthy...it's the truth that is our lives. And I'm grateful to say we signed each check with confidence to provide for our family. 

This is our life. And we chose it. And I'm choosing to be INCREDIBLY grateful I have a job that allows the freedom of time and money. Even if it isn't a beach-setting! Ha!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

You Actually DON'T Want to Lose Weight

Profile pic I had made when I launched Woods Wellness in 2007
I drove a '74 Nova to high school.  My dad bought it from an elderly woman who hadn't done a thing to it since she bought it back in 1974.  It needed a new engine and lots of work.  This vehicle was a labor of love from day 1.  I drove it before the engine was replaced.  It didn't have a reverse in it, so I had to drive around and around the school parking lot until I found a spot I could pull into forward.  And after sports at the end of the day, I had to ask friends to help push me back from my parking spot so I could pull forward.  OR I had to wait until that person parked in front of me left from the school as well.  

One of the fitness classes that started it all for me with special populations.

Every Sunday I would detail that vehicle.  Inside would be spotless.  I washed and waxed it weekly.  I saved my money to put a new CD player in it after Christmas.  I LOVED that vehicle.  I helped pay for the insurance on it by working after school and on the weekends, before and after sporting events.  I watched my dad spend hours rebuilding the engine and fixing odds and ends on it over the summer so it would be driveable by fall.  

It was SO important to me.  

BECAUSE I invested my time into it, my dad invested his time into it, and I was paying for it--it was my ONLY option for a vehicle.

Therefore, I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF IT. It meant that much to me.

Much like our bodies...

And as I sit here at my computer, once again, tears streaming down my face (because I am an empath)...and apparently I can even "sense" people's feelings through the computer screen.

And IT KILLS ME.  Because I can see it.  I can feel it.

This desire to lose weight.  To lose weight quickly.  To lose those inches. To have more energy.  To look good.  To fit into our clothes better.  To run a race.  To be an example for our kids...

All of it. I get it. I've heard it. OVER AND OVER.

And the same people, fall for the same quick weight loss schemes, OVER AND OVER.  This year they are chasing this product, last year it was a different product.  YET...the problem still remains.

AND you know what??!?
The problem isn't you being overweight.  Or you needing to lose inches. Or look good.  NOPE. You aren't desperate for those things...

You are actually desperate TO LOVE YOURSELF.  
Because if you loved yourself enough to take care of yourself...

WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SAME SITUATION AGAIN....THIS 2017.  Just like 2016, 2015....
Chasing another quick promise...we HOPE, just HOPE will fill this void.

But I will tell you right now. It WON'T.

In 1 month...you may feel great. Maybe even in 2 months...but then what?  You might even lose all the weight...GREAT! I love it!  

BUT if there is not a mindset switch.  If there is not self-love.  Which leads to self-care.  Then nothing has changed. 

"I failed again!"  "I am sorry you are going to be mad at me because..."  "Ok, I give up...I'll try your way now...what do I need to do?"

I hear this no less than 20x a day.  And you know what...people are always amazed when I say.

1) Quit something today.  Something you don't need to be doing.
2) Spend no less than 10 minutes a day listening to personal development.  Reading a book. Meditating.
3) Find new friends, friends who support you.  If you are going to do this, and change your mindset, you need better influencer's.
4) Do something today you can continue for life.  

....if you do these things...then we will chat about a fitness program.

BECAUSE I am here to make you fall in love with yourself again.  Fall in love with the process of taking care of yourself.  Fall in love with how you feel when you invest in yourself and you EARN that right to feel better, look better, and therefore, BE better!!

And that won't be easy. I don't promise that.  But it will be worth it. 
So ask yourself...before you hit "PAY" on that quick fix button...


<3 Anna