Home Gym: December 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The #1 Thing You Are NOT Doing to Grow Your Online Business

I have been in the fitness industry for 13 plus year's.

I have been the CEO of my fitness business for 9 year's.  I have run my own studio, I have trained clients face to face, I have coached people online, I have helped open a CrossFit gym and coached, I have worked as a trainer at our local Y, I have taught classes at our local retirement community and day service provider's for adults with special needs.

I have had some experience with being a business owner and entrepreneur.
And there seems to be 1 thing new entrepreneur's, new network marketing business owner's, new pop up shop CEO's...


And this is it.  They are missing the people.  The true, meaningful, relationship-building aspect of human connection.

We are joining these network marketing companies with passion and excitement, we get scripts, we get video's, we get transformation stories to share...AND yet we DON'T do the 1 thing that is required to be successful.

TRULY connecting with people.

1) We would rather send a script that the company gives us with the "Hey! How are you? I have started this new business.....and I would love to sell you this ......it is on sale for ...............and here are results from the last woman's experience ..............Thanks! -Signed, a person we haven't spoken to in 20 year's

Because if we take time to really get to know people.  To reconnect. Meet up for coffee. Or set up a phone call face to face.  It takes time.  And it might be uncomfortable.  And it might lead to more conversations, instead of a quick sale.  WHAT?!

2) We would rather splash our Facebook feeds with SPAM and Infomercial's of our products and fancy lettering and graphics...than to actually have to use the products for 6-months to a year and show proof of the product and fall in love with the product enough to "show" people how it works and why we love it...instead we want to skip the work and instead "sell" our product as a quick fix--one we aren't even 100% sure of us ourselves yet because we have only been using it 2 weeks. Or don't use it at all but hope to make a quick dollar, like was promised in our recruitment call when I signed up.

We make it about a quick sell, fast dollar, and what "he or she" says is the way, and we become desperate for a sale. Instead of falling in love with the product ourselves first.

3) We don't want to take the time to truly understand people's needs.  We don't ask questions about them.  We don't interview them to see if our product is even something they need or want.  Instead we shove our product in their face for a solution of a problem this person may not have or EVEN know they have.  

Again, this takes time.  This takes removing yourself from the picture and your desperation for a quick sale, and actually "going there" with people.  Learning their true fears, anxieties, motivations, needs.  AND it also means realizing your product may not be good for them, and respecting their needs/desires by referring them on.

4) We don't want to personally invite people to our private social media groups.  It is uncomfortable, it is scary, and we all FEAR rejection, so we avoid it.  Instead we add everyone we know to a private group for a product we are selling or may win a prize for AND disrespect people's social media time and use.  

Instead, we should be inviting them to learn more and let THEM make the decision to join our private group.  SHOW respect people.  Again, don't provide a solution for a problem people don't have.

5) DO your research. Is this product you plan to promote or has changed your life one that is sustainable?  Is it one that the market will become saturated quickly with?  Is it something people will truly benefit from in a genuine, long-term, lifestyle changing way?  Has it been proven?  Is is safe?

Once again, and lastly, ask people before you sell.  Is this something you would use?  Is this something my doctor would recommend or encourage?

IT ALL COMES DOWN TO PEOPLE.  Connecting. Serving. Asking the questions.  Respecting.  Hearing out.  Supporting.  

We miss the boat when we miss this key step.  And THAT is probably why you have not been able to sustain your current business or online marketing company....

BECAUSE you aren't including the people and relationships.  Plain and simple.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Because I Am Her.

I like going out with friends... But it can be SO energy sapping for me.  And I have no clue why.

I like socializing with other women and interacting.  But I come home SO worn out.

I would love to be out and about with all of the events I am invited too, but I also know I have to leave most of my energy on RESERVE.  It's what we mom's do.  Especially us mom's of a child with a behavioral disorder.  You never know what you are going to have to deal with...and when.  A flip can be switched at anytime...and you have to be in full on-call parenting ability, to put out fires, and control the chaos.  And try to remain patient.

It's become a parenting protective mechanism I think I've developed over time.  I can't let myself get too exhausted or I can not be a good parent at home.  I know this.  And kids with behavioral issues are VERY sensitive to this exhaustion, as if they almost can pinpoint it and act out as a result.  

But I still find myself perplexed by my inability to enjoy outing's and get -together's without being drained for days after...and it's not ALL my kids fault. ;)
Photo Courtesy of 3Twenty Photography

And here's what I've learned.
I TAKE upon myself the issues of other's.  

You see, I have this sixth sense about struggles people are going through.  It's like I can see right through the face of perfection the people I'm around are trying to portray.  

I can see the sadness behind the pretending perfection.
I can see the desperation behind the perfectly toned body on display.
I can see the need for affirmation behind the "good 'ol gal" heart.
I can see the fear behind the designer jeans and purses.
I can see the exhaustion behind the people pleasing.

And not only can I see it.  I feel it. 
Because I have been her.


I know what it's like to experience all of these things.  It's tiring.  It's wearing.  But what I've learned most of all, is it doesn't have to be that way.

When we realize no one has it all together.  Everyone has their own skeletons in their closet.  We are all imperfect.  And most of us are just one step away from a break down...

We can let ourselves off the hook.  We give ourselves permission to be broken.  Therefore we give other's the ability to be broken too.

And it is the most freeing thing you can ever experience. It's indescribable with words.
And I LONG for every person to experience this freedom from shame, guilt, fear, and hopelessness.

And THAT's what exhausts me.  I finally figured it out.  
My heart breaks.  My soul aches.  

My mind stays busy because I so desperately want to say, 

"I see you.  I feel your struggle.  I get it.  And it's OK.  It IS OK!! So just stop.  Just stop all of this...And be you."

Friday, December 2, 2016

Do you REALLY think you are CALLED to be a fitness trainer?

(watch this video by Brene Brown first)

I had a tea date with a friend yesterday afternoon.  My friend is working her way through Wellness Coaching, and I've agreed to be her guinea pig for a few months.  And quite honestly, it has been great for me.

Sometimes you don't realize how strong you are and have to be for everyone around you...until you try to tell someone else what your struggle is or what you've dealt with so far that day, or week...who isn't inside your "inner circle" and already knows.  And they become almost overwhelmed and need to take a break...mid-convo...

And after we got into the session and the initial conversation over with...she asked me bluntly, "do you REALLY think you are CALLED to be a fitness trainer?"

And I was almost taken aback. Umm, yes. It's what excites me, it's what I'm passionate about, it's who I am.  What I do.  What I'm known for.  It's in my soul.

And then she hits me with this: "you spend SO much more time investing in PEOPLE...as in, you go straight for the heart of the matter, from what I've observed.  You get to know people.  Like really know them, know them.  People have this attraction to you because of your vulnerability...and understanding.  When I hear you talk about people, it's NEVER related to their fitness ability or lately lift...it's about their struggle or frustration that you want guidance helping them with..."

She asked if that sounded accurate.  I said yes.

She said, "did you notice I didn't mention one thing about exercise or fitness in that entire statement? Has it occurred to you ever, that you use fitness as a platform...or maybe you don't even know you do...BUT that YOUR true calling might be, in fact, helping women find themselves again??!  As in, learning to value their own worth.  Seeing themselves as enough.  And realizing their struggle is OK. You have a gift of encouragement.  And a sensitivity to know what women are really dealing with before they even tell you.

I'm going to go so far as to say, "people aren't drawn to you for your fitness know-how (typically), or for your muscles, or strength...they are actually drawn to you for heart, your humility, and your courage....WHICH come only from your ability to be vulnerable..."

And THAT is not normal in today's society for women.

So she asked me point blank if I'm hiding behind my fitness as my calling? Or if I had ever really stepped back, removed fitness from the forefront of my assumptions, and REALLY spent time learning what I am on this planet for.  What my impact will be.  Or is, currently.

And it has my mind going 1000 different ways.  I don't know any of those answers.  But I also hadn't ever really stepped back and asked myself why I truly love fitness and coaching fitness, before.  

But one thing I have gotten clarity on...is it's NOT the fitness.  Otherwise I wouldn't be content coaching so many variations of fitness for people in so many ways. CrossFit. Powerlifting. Oly Lifting. Running. Beachbody. Adaptive folks...

The fitness isn't my passion. Nope.

It's the people.
...and she may be onto something.