Home Gym: About Me

About Me

Hello! I am Anna Woods.
I am different. I tend to approach my fitness career differently.

I was an art major when I started college. I walked out the doors with an exercise science degree. All because of one weekend at an Strong Women conference my junior year. It discussed how crucial weight training and strength focused programming was for elderly and middle age women. Study after study showed how significant improvements in pain management. Range of motion. Emotional health. Increased independence. And reduced number of falls all happened as a result of lifting weights 3 days a week for 30 minutes.

My mind was blown. I went back to campus switched my major. Applied for a job at our wellness center and never looked back.

But early on I learned my approach was different. I wasn't like my classmates who wanted to train athletes. Or celebrities. Or in large clubs. Or to pass an easy class to stay eligible to play sports. Nope.

I wanted to help those who relied on fitness as a lifeline to their dependence. My passion was from a necessity standpoint. Not cosmetic.

And so I had to forge my own way the past 13 years because there were few programs or paths to follow. I worked at retirement communities. Volunteered my time at nursing homes, health care facilities. I spent time with RA's in PT departments to learn what movements were important for people in wheelchairs to do.

And I ventured over to adult day service providers and forged my way there. Learning how to provide exercise in a way people with developmental delays could benefit.

And it's become my life. My passion. And my purpose. I love these people.

So when you ask my passion for training. My why. This is it. Where I come from when I speak to you. My heart. Concern. And energy.


I am an athlete. CrossFit lover. Powerlifter. Adventure racer. Triathlete. Cyclist. Dancer. Gymnast. Shoot hoops in the backyard enthusiast. Outdoor lover. Competitor.

...who also has a HUGE heart for adults with special needs.  I have spent the majority of my personal training career focused on training special populations.

I am a star-diamond Beachbody coach.

I'm a wife and mama to 3 kiddos.

I am an active-person. Who loves inspiring my kids to be active as well.

Bow shooter.

Home Gym workout fanatic. This is my church. Sanctuary. Therapy session.

Adoption advocate. We adopted my soon through Reece's Rainbow in 2011. He was born an orphan in Ukraine. You can read more about that journey on my other blog @homeonksrange.blogspot.com

I lead an adaptive army of athletes each week in exercise and nutrition.  

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