Home Gym: September 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Did you KNOW you are probably Squatting Wrong?!

Do not miss out on all my youTUBE tutorials, workouts, and programs collected all in 1 place for your ease!!

1) Did you know you might be doing your ab exercises wrong.  There is 1 thing that MOST people do wrong when completing ab workouts and it could be the key to reducing your lower back pain as well as bringing out that 6-pack ab's look you want.

 2) Did you know there is a certain way to do lunges that won't hurt your knees and actually targets your butt muscles more effectively.  it is just 1 little switch in your feet that will make all the difference.

3) Did you know most people squat wrong? That in all my year's of coaching, that most people completely miss out on the amazing strength and power they have in their legs and core because this do this 1 thing wrong?!

I have been compiling my list for the past month and have put them in a set program for FREE for you to follow as part of my gift to you!! I want people to be educated in the proper way to strength train at home.  It is something I am passionate about. And I am now providing it in 1 easy package delivered daily to your email inbox!

So click on over to:

I would love for you to spread the word and encourage others to join you in the same.  Let's create a movement to empowerment.  Education. And encouragement.

I can't wait to hear how you love it!
Have a Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mom's!! Quit sitting in the Bleacher's and USE them!

Today's #sheLIFT's workout is for the Bleacher Butt Mama's out there sitting at games every night of the week!!

So here you go:
5 Rounds of➡️➡️
20 step ups
Walking lunges up the ramp
2 sprints up the stairs/walk down

Make sure to warm up walking and jogging first. Leg swings. Arm swings.  Walk a lap and then jog a lap. 
Stretches.  Do 3 sets of 10
-Butt kicks
-High knee Jog/High knee march
-Side Steps
-Heel raises off a step
-Straight leg kicks
-Air squats
-Torso Twists

To receive workouts like this emailed to you daily,  PLUS tips and tricks for safe and effective lifting--sign up for my FREE 4-Week Strength Training Template

▶️▶️ https://forms.aweber.com/form/12/1730412212.htm

Monday, September 12, 2016

Why YOU are doing Crunches Wrong...

I wanted to send you today's back day workout.  It's easy. You can do it at home. All you need is a band!

If you don't have a rig to wrap your band through, open a door and hook the band around the doorknob.  Or buy a door attachment and hook the band through it and close your door.  Ask a family member to help hold it.  Wrap it around a tree outside.  Use an outdoor post or flag pole.  Anything works! Just be creative!

So here's today's workout list!

 And here's the demonstration of the movements:

In addition, I went LIVE on Facebook today to discuss why you may be doing crunches wrong. I have a lot of women asking me while their necks hurt when they do crunches as part of our 5-Day Ab Challenge. So here is my 4 steps to help alleviate that.

4 Steps to Alleviate Your Neck Pain During Abs!
1) Roll up a towel and place under low back.
2) Place a ball between your knees to squeeze.
3) Use a band or towel behind your neck to cradle your head.
4) Keep your neck neutral, don't let you chin jut out, and BREATHE.

For more tips and tricks like these, check out my 4-Week Strength Training Template to Safe and Effective Weight Lifting here--> Everyday I will email you workouts, tips to best complete the movements, video examples, and my personal insight to your success.

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

How to Avoid Neck Pain with Lifting Weights

It's is MONDAY! Thank God for a new week and a new workout to try!!

Your #sheLIFT's workout for today is:
Banded Chest Day

20 chest press
20 alternating punches, right leg
20 alternating punches, left leg
20 chest flyes
20 push ups 
➡️Complete 3x through.

BUT, make sure to warm-up first with some arm swings, torso twists, good mornings, foam rolling the upper back, stretch out those wrists, shoulder blade squeezes and shrugs and maybe a few jumping jacks or light jump rope skips.

Print the workout out below to keep with you for future reference.

Today's tip of the day for this workout is to keep your jaw relaxed.  As we do upper body exercises we tend to tighten our jaw, hold our breathe, and create all sorts of tension in our neck and spine.  So keep the mouth slightly open, the neck relaxed by looking ahead at the horizon, focusing on breathing throughout the movement, and keeping our traps relaxed.  One way I do this is to think shoulder roll...UP, BACK, DOWN, and lock them in there...

As soon as you feel your traps creeping up toward your ears.  Relax. Let out a big breath, and do the same shoulder roll movement again to lock them back down.  You may have to repeat this many times for awhile until it becomes muscle memory at some point.

For more tips like this and insight into my strength training coaching and a sample workout template, sign up below and I will email you 4-week's worth of workouts and video's.

We respect your email privacy
 YES! Please send me 4-Week's of Daily Workouts to Teach me How to Strength Train Safely and Effectively at Home in under 15 minutes a Day!!!