Home Gym: April 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

sheBEAST: Redefining Fitness--Set to Launch SOON!!

Ladies!! A Key Tip About your Workouts I Think Will Change your Whole Outlook on Fitness!!
✅✅Make sure and remember to click "Attend" for our Sneak Peek to sheBEAST Facebook event here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1101634523211674/ ✅✅Monday at 8:30 PM...Great tips! Great giveaways and prizes! And full access to how you can be a part of this movement!!
In case you missed it, sign up here to receive your first sneak peek sheBEAST workout before it is released!!


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Great Meal Prep Ideas

Like I've said before, the key to consistently gaining muscle, losing weight, or maintaining muscle growth is consistent effort. This includes in our meal planning/prepping/eating.  If you make it a habit, it will not seem so daunting.  But at first, you have to try! Make it simple. Don't overthink it. Eat similar things each week.  Plan ahead. Here is a great article with tips for how to do this!
Click here--> No Cook Meal Prep Tips
1- Breakfast Ideas like waffles, yogurt and berries
2-Snacks include cottage cheese and veggies and fruit
3-Salad and Deli slice meat


Meal Prep Tip #1

As mom's and women in general, we tend to put ourselves last.  In everything. This includes eating. As part of my meal prep 10-day course, we are learning how to meal prep to help ourselves. In fact, part of the reason I meal prep for my kids is so I have a chance to eat breakfast, myself.  I workout early in the morning, so its crucial I eat afterward. There's no skipping breakfast here.  So I make sure to bake foods ahead for my kids to grab and go, just as much for them, as for me.  BUT, if I'm running behind and absolutely without a chance to prep any real foods, I scoop up 1/4 of my protein and 3/4 of my superfoods AND grab a fruit/veggie squeeze pouch to get my fruits and veggies and out the door we go!