Home Gym: February 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Online Studio: NOW Open

Online Bootcamp is COMING!!


  • Coming early March!
  • Online coaching/Accountability
  • Weekly workouts emailed to you every Sunday.
  • Different workouts each day: Yoga, HIIT, Strength Training, Cardio, Endurance, Abs
  • 3 months worth of programming
  • Meal prep/planning
Apply HERE-->> 
AND RECEIVE your 5-Day FREE Kickstart Workout just for applying!


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How to Workout Using Your Pinterest Pins

As I scan through all the Pinterest boards...over and over I see a fitness tab...filled with 100's of AWESOME workout ideas...

But I can't help but feel like everyone clicks them, pins them, reads through them...and they collect dust in the back of their Pinterest closet like all their workout videos, dumbbells, and clothes drying treadmill...

Am I right?!

Well, let's pull some of those workout tips out and make a week's worth of workouts out of them. Because they are valuable and can serve a real purpose, its just hard to know what to do---when---and how often.

First, let's determine how often?
4 days a week, ok...CHECK.

How much time do you truly have to dedicate to these 4-days of workouts?
30 minutes?...ok. CHECK.

What are your goals?
Toning your arms for summer?...ok. CHECK.
Decreasing fat overall? ...ok. CHECK.
And improving endurance? ...ok. CHECK.

Here's how a trainer would typically approach a program.
1) Work all muscle groups over the span of a week.  Add extra emphasis on areas of trouble. So if you are wanting upper body toning...make that 2 days of your 4 workouts.

2) Work antagonist muscles.  So for every pulling type exercise (pull ups, banded rows, deadlift)...do a push movement.  (push ups, chest press, squats)

3) Incorporate cardio into your strength sessions.  So to get 30 solid minutes of exercise in...add 1 day of high intensity exercise, 1 day of longer slower cardio, and one day of heavy strength, and one day of all cardio.

4) Add warm-up and cool down to your 30 minute list. So make sure to stretch, foam roll, mash soreness...and warm-up muscles according to what areas you are working.  As well as cool them down slowly when finished.

5) Make sure your nutrition matches your energy output. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. SO DON"T sabotage your 4-days of workout efforts.  Figure out your macros beforehand and work to stick to them.  Allowing 1 day of cheats a week.

Here's my example of a great 4-day weekly workout routine using all Pinterest pins...
Monday--> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/302585668694483203/ (great shoulder warm-up)


Upper body workout 1-https://www.pinterest.com/pin/302585668694427178/
Complete 3x8-10 reps per exercise....push weights to failure for maximum effectiveness.
-Finally: A way to target your awkward armpit area.:

Day 2--> LEG day warm-up

Leg Day Routine 1--https://www.pinterest.com/pin/302585668694559450/

Here's my tips to better lunges

 Day 3--Back Day Routine 1--

back day: my visual workout created at WorkoutLabs.com • Click through to customize and download as a FREE PDF! #customworkout:

Day 4--> Cardio Ideas:
So without further ado - here you go... a quick, 25-minute indoor cardio routine that you can do in the comfort of your living room.:  

Need a great fat-burning workout? Then try this 20-Minute No-Running Cardio Blast and get the sexy, toned body you deserve. Pin now, Check later.:  

Optional Ab Ideas to Add into any day's workout:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Team HomeGym: Prep Week 3-4

Days 3-4 of my Prep Week Countdown to the Valentine's Day Massacre.
Valentine's parties. Split workouts. Warmer weather. Vanilla Shakeology snacks.

And late night team events..

5 Steps to Shapely Shoulders: Part II

There are key ways to improve upper body strength and develop that shoulder definition you are desiring for functional and physical reasons.

1) Consistently working at those muscle groups. For women, this includes working the upper body 2-3 days a week in some way, shape, or form.  As a trainer, I typically like to change it up and work heavy weights, high volume, gymnastic and bodyweight strengthening, and power movements as part of the combination of series I will use to train my female clients.  This also includes pushing the volume and the weight during these movements. Most women are weak in their upper body and it hurts to push the weights...but it is the only TRUE way to manipulate the shoulder muscles.

2) There are 4 joints in the shoulder, not to mention many ligaments, tendons, and muscles holding it all together. It is a sensitive area that needs to be approached with expertise and proper programming.  In addition, full range of motion needs to be in place for maximum effectiveness, meaning all 4 heads need to be moving and acting efficiently.  For most people, this isn't the case due to bad posture, desk jobs, etc.  The 3 biggest cues I use for shoulder alignment is: sit up tall, scapula retracted (in other words, shoulder down and back), and chin tucked in (NOT jutted out)...and proper warm-up and cool down stretches for the shoulders as well.

Here are some of my favorite shoulder warm-up tips:

How to Relieve Shoulder Pain/Trap Soreness

My #1 Tip for Overhead movements involving the shoulder!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Prep Week: Day 2

Day 2!!

Follow along from morning to night as I take you through some highlights of my day. On the countdown to the Valentine's Massacre CrossFit event this Saturday @CrossFit Salina.  Elite athlete Christina Spencer and I entered the competitive RX Women's division. So I am documenting my week before. Running my fitness business. Taking care of kids. Meal prep. Workouts. Sleep. Housework. Business calls. Playing with the new pup.  All in a day's fun!

Monday, February 8, 2016

5 Steps to Shaping Your Shoulders

Step #5--> Complete the last reps of each set to complete fatigue, even if it is only half reps...AND then hold the weight overhead as long as you can on the last rep of each set before dropping the weights and starting the next set.  Isometric holds will help develop that deep tissue which creates definition. Just DON"T hold your breath!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Prep WEEK! Countdown to CrossFit Competition

Kicked off the day early. Tapped on the forehead at 4:34 AM because my 5-year old's blankets were twisted. Tried to go back to sleep and Finally rolled out of bed at 7:40 AM. Big morning ahead.  Weight check after deciding to increase carbs and proteins daily for the next week to up my energy and muscle gain.  Being hydrated and carb-loaded is important as we prep for Saturday's comp. PLUS I'm wanting to lean down to about 148 because it makes gymnastics movements a lot easier to complete. Such as handstand push ups, pull ups, rope climbs, etc. But my work in adding cardio and reducing carbs in my diet hasn't proven effective yet. So changing it up.

Breakfast was some Greek yogurt and granola. Making Valentine's Day cards with the kids. Chatting about our day ahead. Then it was out to see the pup. And prep for Christina coming to workout and an impromptu #sheBEAST photo shoot. Kids and all.

We got 2 great WOD's in and some fun catching up with our kids. Then it was off to town for the weeks groceries. Time with Mimi and Papa. So mommy could work and steal their Wifi! Ha! Had to follow up with a few new clients getting started on PIYO this week!! Then...Super Bowl fun and BED.

Day 1 is off to a good start.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

No Fear.

I have looked back over the past few years and finally feel like I'm in a place of complete peace.

I feel like I have done a lot of searching in the wrong places for fulfillment. For my purpose. For my platform. My job.

I KNEW my purpose involved people.
I KNEW it involved fitness in some respect.
I KNEW it would include my writing.
And I KNEW it would be about something bigger than me.

BUT I knew it would include being a wife and mommy first.  And that was the piece I couldn't quite figure out and incorporate.

I tried working in a gym, which I loved, and helping people 1--1. Coaching group classes.  Helping people achieve big goals....BUT it was pulling me away from my family and their needs.

So I had to quit.

I tried opening my own fitness studio, which I loved, and had always dreamed of. But God called me away from that.  We were supposed to adopt a baby with special needs all the way across the world, instead.

So I closed the doors.

I tried to make a run for CrossFit Regionals as an athlete and mom. And wife. Proving there are no excuses if you want to pursue your dreams.  That you just have to make sacrifices and train hard. And I loved it. Made great friends got in GREAT shape.  But my family suffered. I was always tired. Pushing through another hour of workouts. It just wasn't/isn't my time. Yet.

So I semi-retired.

I quit training and coaching altogether because I just couldn't find a perfect match for it all. I sort of gave up on it all and sought to try to find fulfillment in just being home and focused 100% on my husband and kids.  Which I loved. But desperately missed my work.

So I prayed. Fasted. And shut myself off from all people and social media for a LONG time.

And when I reopened my world to social media and the options of fitness again, I came across opening an online fitness studio.
I had my reservations about how this would all work. I had my fears about it taking me away from my family again. About failing my duties of a wife and mom.  I wanted this to be what I was supposed to do. Because all my selfish attempts before had failed.  I was approaching this direction with a whole new mindset. One of humility. Faith. And openness to whatever God had planned for me.

I no longer had FEAR.

I prayed about it and asked God to reveal to me what my plan of action should be with this opportunity to coach people in fitness from home.  About still being able to be a wife and mom and get my kids to therapies and appointments...BUT still be able to coach and train the people I love. And use my gifts to change lives.  Like I knew I was supposed too...just not sure how up to this point. Because every way before had failed.

And after all of this time, I chose to make the leap. Praying that if this wasn't supposed to be the direction I go with my dreams and my business, then God would close the doors quietly and I could move on.  And I had this overwhelming peace about it all.

And here I am...9 months in...still at complete peace.  YET completely overwhelmed because of the perfect plan God had set for me.  I still get to do what I love. Work with people. Inspire them. Encourage them. Interact with them. Extend grace. And share my passion for fitness...YET STILL BE HOME...with my kids and husband.  I can work when I want. Where I want. How I want.

AND I have NO FEAR.  When I speak to people I know what I'm saying is completely true. Completely effective.  And completely what I'm supposed to be doing.  I can approach people in full confidence knowing what I am sharing with them is going to change their life. It will work. It will only help them.  It isn't a fad. It isn't a pill. Or a patch.  It has no negative side effects.  And if they aren't ready to join me. Or are currently trying another way. I'm good with that. Because I have full confidence in God's plan for me and this business. I have full confidence in what I'm doing.  And if they are supposed to join me as client. Or join our team as a coach. It will happen when it is supposed too. 

And that what I'm doing is all about 4 simple truths. 
  • Exercise.
  • Nutrition.
  • Accountability.
  • Possibility.
And I praise God everyday for this perfect opportunity. For the blessings He has given me through relationships, friendships, financial freedoms, paying off debts, being at home with my family, the full support of my husband, new mercies each day, a vision and a dream for whats ahead. And lots of HOPE for those I have the opportunity to impact over the years with this business.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Overcomers Part I

People ask me all the time why I coach exercise. Why I love exercise. And how I stay motivated.

And to be completely honest, it's because of what I experience from it. From my own personal gains. My experiences with other people's success with exercise. But most importantly the changes people have because of their commitment to fitness...

I wrote this series awhile back and want to share it all with you!
Here's Part I...

OVERCOMERS> I am going to be sharing a series of overcoming stories for the next few weeks that are of friends and family who have used exercise as a resource for recovery. Whatever it may be. Addiction. Death. Infertility. Depression. Hurts. Pains. Fear. And many more...
I hope you will listen in, follow along because if you want to discuss non-scale victories. Pay attention. There is a whole other realm to fitness and health and what it can be for you and I.
Tonight's story is: Joey Siela.
I met Joey at a CrossFit competition last fall. I was intrigued. He is what we call "virtuous" as an athlete. All in. Focused. Determined. Intense. Yet makes it look easy. I could sense there was something behind that intensity. Something more. Something beyond maybe even him. But I could feel it. Knew it. So I asked. And this is his story. I wrote this story to appear in the ‪#‎CrossFit‬ journal but have chosen to share it here instead...

Joey Siela has been clean since April 16, 2011. A year and a half before he walked into B-Fit CrossFit. The night of April 15, Siela got as loaded as he could on drugs to try and wipe away the pain he felt from his girlfriend leaving him and taking his two kids. The use of mind-altering drugs worked the past 16 years to avoid pain, but this night it would not. He went to his first recovery meeting the following night and never looked back. Siela’s recovery process is the only way his CrossFit experience is possible. The 12-step fellowship program Siela’s following for his drug addiction and Crossfit have lots of similarities--his recovery program consists of a bunch of people thrust together from diverse backgrounds with one common bond of addiction bringing them together. On the other hand, his new CrossFit gym, ‪#‎HIDDENGYM‬, and its community represents a common bond of fitness and competitiveness. His recovery program and his CrossFit gym filled the voids he was seeking before in drugs...they replaced his "high."
In addition, he says his recovery is a process that is always evolving and never ending-much like CrossFit. Siela shares his experience of recovery and CrossFit in prisons, jails, and recovery centers-and he credits the #HIDDENGYM community for helping push him inside and outside of the walls of the gym.
Now he’s using the #HIDDENGYM movement to help others in need. As people have so generously given to him and helped him, he's ready to do the same. He is an amazing athlete. Dad. And soon to be husband. Owner of his own construction business.
And an amazing ‪#‎overcomer‬.