Home Gym: Meal Prep Tip #1

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Meal Prep Tip #1

As mom's and women in general, we tend to put ourselves last.  In everything. This includes eating. As part of my meal prep 10-day course, we are learning how to meal prep to help ourselves. In fact, part of the reason I meal prep for my kids is so I have a chance to eat breakfast, myself.  I workout early in the morning, so its crucial I eat afterward. There's no skipping breakfast here.  So I make sure to bake foods ahead for my kids to grab and go, just as much for them, as for me.  BUT, if I'm running behind and absolutely without a chance to prep any real foods, I scoop up 1/4 of my protein and 3/4 of my superfoods AND grab a fruit/veggie squeeze pouch to get my fruits and veggies and out the door we go!

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