Home Gym: March 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The 4 Things I Did to Grow My Business From My Garage

These are the steps I took over the past few years to grow my business into what it is today.  It has taken multiple trial and error on my part, but I am excited to share with you what works, to save you the effort and money I wasted on failed attempts.  

So first...
1) ESTABLISH A BRAND. Know who you are.  And who you can best help.  What type of people do you feel most relate to you?  Who are you most passionate in serving?  What colors depict your style? Make a business logo.  Establish a cover photo that will match all of your social media presence and personal presence. Set yourself up as a professional, and instantly separate yourself from other poser's by coming on strong with a logo, business name, and consistent professional looking image to depict your brand.  Come up with a mission statement surrounding your passion and purpose.

2) SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE.  But more than just that. Be consistent. And have a strategy. My first advice is to establish a presence on social media via Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat--whatever format you feel most confident and have the most influence on.  And plan to post 3-5 times a day. Most people see 1/5 posts you make in a day...and our goal is to get your content in front of the most people possible.  Therefore posting 3-5 times insures the most following but not annoyance.  Prime posting times are Sunday afternoon's, Monday's all day, and most week nights after 8:30 pm.  Keep in mind some of this social media post timing depends on your audience and when they are most present.  Check out auto-posting apps to help you stay on top of these posts without having to remember.  (buffer, hootesuite, etc)

3) BUILD VALUE*ESTABLISH AUTHORITY.  Our goal for you is to establish yourself as a fitness authority in home fitness.  Therefore your conversations with people, your social media presence, your interactions with groups need to be FILLED with value.  Get out and volunteer at local races, events.  Speak at charity events. Offer to share or set up booths are health fair's.  And while you are there--Tell us what you know. But moreso from YOUR EXPERIENCE.  How did you build your home gym? What did you purchase first? Why?  How do you stay motivated to workout on your own at home?  How long have you been training in your garage? Do you have client testimonials? Your own personal testimonial? Teach us.  Share your best practices, tips.

4) TRACK YOUR BUSINESS. If you aren't tracking your business, you aren't growing a business.  Keep track of every person you talk too on social media.  Document what they said and where you spoke to them.  Date it.  Keep track of your social media posts.  What posts got the most involvement and response?  What format?  What hashtags are working better for you?  Videos? Or picture posts?  How many people are you talking too a day about your business? 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

All ABOUT Abs!!

I went live this week on Facebook and discussed ABS. As summer/spring comes close, this seems to be a more focused topic.  So I wanted to share some of the tips I shared LIVE with my viewer's here.

I had a lot of questions about lower ab work.  About doing ab exercises post-surgery, C-Section, or with endometriosis.  I discussed how long it takes typically for obtaining 6-Pack abs--and other factors that can affect you getting to that goal.

The video cut off early, so here are a few other samples demonstrating...

Other ab exercises that are better than crunches:
1) Paloff Press
2) Glute Bridges
3) Side Plank
4) Clam Shells with Band

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Best Core Exercises for Running

Here's a sample of the ab workouts we will do with my Couch to 5k training plan!!
These are samples of my personal ab workouts I do. Core strength is crucial to running form, preventing injury, and improving speed!

10 Plank + Dumbbell Row
10 Y, T, A's
10 Alternating V-Up's
10 Single Leg Bridge, R
10 Single Leg Bridge, L
10 Russian Twist per Side
10 Toe Touches
x 5 Rounds