Home Gym: Prep WEEK! Countdown to CrossFit Competition

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Prep WEEK! Countdown to CrossFit Competition

Kicked off the day early. Tapped on the forehead at 4:34 AM because my 5-year old's blankets were twisted. Tried to go back to sleep and Finally rolled out of bed at 7:40 AM. Big morning ahead.  Weight check after deciding to increase carbs and proteins daily for the next week to up my energy and muscle gain.  Being hydrated and carb-loaded is important as we prep for Saturday's comp. PLUS I'm wanting to lean down to about 148 because it makes gymnastics movements a lot easier to complete. Such as handstand push ups, pull ups, rope climbs, etc. But my work in adding cardio and reducing carbs in my diet hasn't proven effective yet. So changing it up.

Breakfast was some Greek yogurt and granola. Making Valentine's Day cards with the kids. Chatting about our day ahead. Then it was out to see the pup. And prep for Christina coming to workout and an impromptu #sheBEAST photo shoot. Kids and all.

We got 2 great WOD's in and some fun catching up with our kids. Then it was off to town for the weeks groceries. Time with Mimi and Papa. So mommy could work and steal their Wifi! Ha! Had to follow up with a few new clients getting started on PIYO this week!! Then...Super Bowl fun and BED.

Day 1 is off to a good start.

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