Home Gym: Home Gym Chronicles

Monday, August 15, 2016

Home Gym Chronicles

Ever wish you could go back to your old CrossFit gym or group exercise class daily like you used too before kids? Or before your budget no longer allowed it? Or before you moved away?
I did.

I hated having to leave the community of friends I made over the course of time there. I hated missing out on the conversation.  The push in my workouts. The ability to just show up and do the work without having to come up with something to do on my own.  I hated missing the competition. The shared celebration of progress.  The coaching. The ability to ask questions and not feel dumb.  -
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Then, we moved. I couldn't go any longer. And my kid's schedules didn't allow for the extra time to drive there.

And it was awful. I lost my community. My motivation to push myself. My access to equipment and a program and a coach.

Fast forward a few years. I have since built my own home gym from the ground up in our barn. I collected equipment from local garage sales, thrift stores, and social media trading websites. And I hired a coach. I found a community in my online friends that I so desperately craved to have in my life again.

AND I was CHANGED.  I had NO idea I could recreate the friendships and fun I had experienced face to face in my old gym in an online setting with men and women all over the world!!  SO I took it upon myself to create a business that fills this same void in so many other women's lives. Coaching. Training. Community. But all from HOME.  Because I knew I couldn't be the only one in this position, feeling the way I did, lost and unmotivated.

I decided to take a risk on an opportunity with online coaching a year ago. I started my own Beachbody business as a way to tools and an opportunity to so many women who were in my shoes. But I took it a step further and made it my own. I added my own strength training and CrossFit flair. I worked out in my garage instead of in front of a TV or computer. And I shared this approach on social media hoping to provide HOPE for so many women like myself.

And in that year...
--I have coached 100's of women with the same passion for strength training through a private online community similar to a gym.
--I have turned my home gym into a successful business that has allowed us to pay off nearly all of my school loans.
--We have been able to take more trips than all the year's before, combined.
--My online fitness studio now has a world-wide outreach.
--I have met the best friends and been added to a community of women who encourage, inspire, push, and challenge me daily.
--We have a beach vacation planned next spring.
--And I can NOW work from home, work on my own fitness daily, and make more income than I ever have BY sharing how I filled the void of missing my old gym by re-creating it at home.

And I want to teach you HOW as well...I'm not promising you the success I have, but I'm not promising you won't either.
I'm HERE to partner with 10 women that want to make money AND a difference in the world. Women who want to live bold and courageous and FINALLY pursue their dreams of being a career-woman LIKE me. Women who MISS their old gym and coaches, but do NOT want to sacrifice their family and budget to do so.

Want a sneak peek to see what it's all about??
I'm running a FREE sneak peek into MY life as a home gym Coach. You can join and after it's done I will be accepting 10 new interns who want to get paid to get in shape, help others do the same and to be personally mentored by me.  AND get in killer shape at home.  I'll show you how to build your own home gym. How I built my gym on a minimum budget.  Where to find the best equipment and deals.

Join this Project to Redefining Home Fitness.
What could YOUR dream life look like? It's time to revive some of those dreams SISTER!!
1) APPLY here: https://forms.aweber.com/form/18/948764718.htm
2) THEN--comment below "ME" so I know to look for your application.

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