Home Gym: Wanna BET $1 MILLION???

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wanna BET $1 MILLION???

Okay, load up your home gym's, get your space set-up, dumbbell's and bands purchased and THEN win that money back. Invest in your health NOW to win a piece of the $1-3 million PRIZE pot.

Here's how:
1) Chat with me about your goals for this fall...weight loss? 5k? Gain strength? Find a way to love fitness for yourself?

2) Participate in my fitness online studio with a program that meets your goals, be coached by myself and my team, be held accountable to other men and women like yourself to workouts and clean eating 5 days a week for 5 weeks minimum. (Sept 5-Oct. 2)

3) Log your workouts in my new fitness challenger app.

4) Complete Steps 1-3 and win your share of the pot with others who do the same.

Email me at: anna@shestrength.com so I can help get you squared away with a program, a plan of action, and the app.  OR message me at: fb.com/annawoodsfitness

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