Home Gym: 3 Tips to Eliminate Your C-Section Pooch

Thursday, August 11, 2016

3 Tips to Eliminate Your C-Section Pooch


It's Monday!!! So my sheLIFT's workout tip of the day is for the mama's out there!! 

Here are my tips to help eliminate that C-Section Pooch that seems to NEVER go away.  

1) Work the pelvic floor muscles FIRST.  You can do all the crunches you want and only ever hit the surface muscles of the abdominals while the intrinsic inner muscles never get targeted or stronger.  So start with the small stuff first.  Lying flat on your back.  Feet flat on the floor.  Visualize a kegel (or stopping the flow of urine) tightening up those areas as your slowly lift your hips and pelvis off the floor and squeeze and hold for a few seconds.  Slowly return to the floor.  Repeat that exercise 10-15 times a day.

2) Then, begin incorporating the exercises mentioned in my video.  Add a ball to squeeze between your knees or a band to press against on the outside of your knees to help engage that transverse abdominus and inner pelvic floor.  These 2 steps right here are crucial to engaging and developing that strength you need to firm and tighten up your lower abs.

3)  Learn to engage these muscles groups without having to think about it. So the more you practice "bracing" and tightening your lower pelvis and abs first when you are completing ab workouts or any type of core work, the quicker your body will begin doing it on it's own---as muscle memory.  

Don't rush this process as it takes time.  Make sure to be mindful of engaging the lower abs and pelvic floor muscles FIRST before the rest.  Make it muscle memory before moving on to harder and seemingly more "intense" exercises.

For more full-body workout tips like these and how to get started on a strength training plan that is safe and effective for you, sign up below and I will email you RIGHT AWAY.

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