I think most women I work with come to me with similar complaints...
"I don't know what to eat..."
"I don't know what healthy foods to prepare that my family will eat as well...I don't want to make 2 meals!"
"I don't want to be starving all the time..."
"I have tried to cut my calories before and I gained all my weight back."
"I have tried to cut my calories before and I gained all my weight back."
So I have taken it up on myself to try to help educate my clients better on these topics, by showing them what I do. And first of all that involves having the cool little app on my phone called MyFitness Pal. And I have it bookmarked on my desktop. In this post, I will show you how to set up your account via a desktop computer.
Secondly, I have a skeleton outline of foods I typically consume. So my grocery lists contain fruits, vegetables, protein, snacks, kids snacks, fats, drinks...and under each of those topics I will add my staple foods. Then I will fill in the gaps based on sales, preferences, and schedules for the week.
Lastly, I pre-post foods to this app so I have a gauge on what I will need to eat each day. What this will do is help me budget my grocery list and know what to buy in bulk. It will help me know what foods need prepped when. And it will help me know how much of each food I will need to hit my daily calories and nutrients.
So to begin,
Visit: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ on your desktop
- Set up a login name and password.
- Set up your profile.4. Click under the “settings” tab. Adjust your settings according to what you want to see.>>>I prefer to see Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Fiber, Sugar5) Click under the “goals” tab.Adjust daily nutrition goals based on personal goals. (I can help you with this)
- For fat loss I would recommend less carbs, more fat, more protein
- 20% carbs/50% fats/30% protein
- For strength building and endurance training, I would recommend more carbs.
- 40-50% carbs/20-30% fats/20-30% protein
Adjust calories based on suggested range the app provides according to your activity level, current weight, and fat loss goals.
6) Add today’s weigh-in and measurements under the “check-in” tab.
7) Add your daily food intake under the “food” tab. This is where I test out foods. I will type in my typical breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and drinks and I will see what my numbers end up looking like. My favorite view is under the nutrition tab--I like choosing the "macros" chart and seeing what my daily percentages of nutrients and grams of intake are per meal and in my day. From here is where I will adjust my portions so my numbers match up to my goals. Keep in mind I will do this the night before I plan to eat these foods, and test them out.
And after a while I will begin to know what amounts of food I will eat and need and won't have to keep typing it in. But I do "check" myself every week so I am not straying from my needed food intake.
8) Add your daily workout routine under “exercise” if you prefer too, as well.
Tomorrow I will post about how to set this up using the app on your mobile device.
I work closely with my clients to provide them with actual grocery lists, meal templates, and recipe's to fill in the gaps of these nutrients using the MyFitness Pal tools. We set-up a phone call and go over what is recommended for each person's specific needs. Nutrition is 80% of our health. You don't out-exercise a bad diet. If this is something you would like more guidance on and specific information about, please email me at: anna@shestrength.com to find out about my next training sessions.
If you would prefer to test the nutrition out yourself but are ready for a new fitness program, access my FREE 4-Week strength training template at:
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