Home Gym: STOP Punishing Yourself

Monday, November 7, 2016

STOP Punishing Yourself

I have been working on a project for a month or so now, and it is requiring a HUGE leap of faith on my part because it is the biggest financial investment I have ever placed in my fitness business and calling.

I work really hard. But I am realizing I have always worked really hard from a semi-safe place.  As in, not having to invest much of my money or single-handed faith into...

And now I'm being called to do just that.

As many of you know, God called me to "more" in December 2014.  I was to quit pursuing a personal career in CrossFit competitions.  Step back and focus on bettering my family, myself, my marriage, my faith, and my focus.

Before that I was called to close down my fitness studio I had in our local, rural town.  Soon after that step of faith, we were called to adopt.

After that, I helped start-up a CrossFit gym in a neighboring town, after a year and half there I was asked to leave.

I started a job at a local gym in that same neighboring town, and ended up having to step away to help get things better at home and with my kids.

Over and over again this pattern of starting, hoping, dreaming, and then.....STOPPING.

Each time, I have beat myself up over another bad decision.  And each bad decision has left me feeling less and less adequate and confident in my calling to fitness and my knowledge and passion.

But lately, I have been reaffirmed in my know-how. My passion. My knowledge. My abilities.  And my calling.  Through those around me in the industry.  Through feedback from my new clients.  From the transformations I have been able to be a part of in people's lives.  And through doors opening.

BUT most of all, through God's peace and purpose in my heart.  And along with this lesson, has been the idea that I need to quit punishing myself with my previous "failures."  And to go so far as to stop seeing them as failures, but more as steps to where I am now.

I have to change my mindset of "I failed" to "I learned."  And realize those steps were part of my journey. Part of my preparation. Part of my learning and experiencing....

To bring me here now.
And I feel God's gentle nudging on my heart..."ok, now is time.  But I want you to trust me.  But you have to take the first step...I need to see your obedience, your faith tested, and your belief....and finally, YOUR EXCITEMENT for what I am about to do in your life and those around you.  You were born to make an impact.  And I love you and want to see you succeed.  So stop punishing yourself...and go further my kingdom with your passion of fitness and people!!!"


In the meantime, please consider joining my 4-Week FREE Strength Training Template to safe and effective lifting at home.  Sign up below to receive emails to your inbox daily along with video's and trainings directly from my home gym.

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