Home Gym: "I want to do a pull-up"

Friday, May 27, 2016

"I want to do a pull-up"

I get asked all the time "I want to do a pull up SO bad..."

I get it. I worked over a year to get one...and it took me several years to do 10 in a row.  It is a combination of shoulder mobility, bicep, back, shoulder, and core strength, reduced body fat, and grip strength.

All these things have to come together to achieve one...along with LOTS of practice. So throw consistency in the mix as well.

My best tips for achieving a pull up are:
1) hang from a bar as often as you can, just dead hang, working on grip strength.  Wrap the thumb under the bar and hold...keep the shoulders and back engaged (think shoulder roll up, back, and down--then HOLD)...try to hold it longer each week.

2) Do focused upper body work strengthening exercises: bicep curls, upright rows, shrugs, bent over rows, supine pull ups, push ups...

3) Clean up your diet. 80% of fat loss is nutrition related. So to reduce the body weight and increase chances to pull your body weight, choose wholesome, real foods.

Here are 3 quick videos on how to work progressions to do a pull up!

Part I-->

Part II-->

Part III--> 

For a specific program, related to how to strengthen your upper body and a clean-eating diet plan...join my next online fitness studio training.  Dumbbells and a small space are all you need.

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--Video Training/Worksheets to take to the gym or do at home
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