Home Gym: Triathlon Recovery Products

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Triathlon Recovery Products

Every summer for the past few, Leah and I have completed the Salty Dog Sprint Triathlon. It's a 400 m. swim, 10 mile bike and 5k run.  She does the kids version which is shorter.  Prior to that my sister, mom and I have traveled around and completed in various lengths of triathlons in a tri-state area.  After having more kids, my time training for these events has shortened up and so now it's more for enjoyment and a shared adventure with my kids...

BUT I am still a HUGE fan. We love watching the Ironman Hawaii Events on TV every year.  And I keep up with various athletes who complete them. The training, dedication, sacrifices, mental toughness, family and community support for someone training for one of these events is INSPIRATIONAL in itself--and very few are willing to go there to complete one. 

Many hire strength coaches, nutritionists, sports psychologists, chiropractors, physicians, massage therapists, endurance coaches, swim coaches, and so MUCH more to help them be at the top of their game and fully prepared for these events and training prep work.  Every detail as to the aerodynamics of the bikes they use.  The shoes they run in. Helmets they wear.  Food they eat.  And lastly, supplements they use!

I was thrilled to see the same exact product line I've been recommending for my strength training, half marathon training, and CrossFit client's is also being recognized at the Ironman North American Series of races!!  It feels good to be backed up by such a higher source of elite athletes, that what you are recommending for your athletes is the same and BEST choice for professional athletes.

Pretty cool!  Read more here: http://m.ironman.com/press-releases/2016/05/beachbody-performance.aspx#axzz48at3oTCU

And check out the specs on the performance line HERE.

I'd love to help you make a choice that best fits your needs, based on my experience with the products so far.


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