Home Gym: How I Inspire Others...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How I Inspire Others...

I hit a HUGE goal this past month...when I opened my online fitness studio my goal was to help as many people as possible.  Ultimately that's what I love doing. I am most motivated and energized by. Helping people fall in love with themselves enough to make their health and fitness a priority.  My job isn't to tell them what to do...it's to find out how to motivate them, encourage them, and help them find what they are most passionate about in their journey to better health.

Is it fitness?
Is it weight lifting?
Is it fat loss?
Is it running?
Is it yoga?

There is a perfect combination out there, and that is part of the joy of working with people, helping them find that spark of interest that keeps them on track for life.

But a new part of helping people in this business, is now training and mentoring other coaches to do the same as me.  How to run a fitness business. How to find their passion for coaching others. How to share their own personal journeys. How to inspire others to lead and grow as entrepreneurs. 

And even with this added component there is 1 thing that is the same...how do you motivate people to change? How do you inspire them?? 

So after hitting this big goal of helping so many people this past year. After advancing my team faster than any others on our team. After earning an income that is above average for a year...I got asked..."what are you doing to inspire others to action--in business? AND in their own personal fitness journeys??  What is it you are doing differently than most??"

And I've been asked this several times, but truly honestly didn't know the answer until today...as I was talking it out with a friend.  I think it comes down to several things...that I think I do...possibly well.

1) Having compassion. >> It has taken me a LONG time to be better at this...but I've learned to quit assuming things about people..for we have NO clue the battle they may be experiencing.  I think a lot of it comes from my own personal experiences that I have dealt with the past few years, and have learned to empathize with others through because of the relatability to emotions I now have...for example, I heard a woman complaining about another mom who kept making excuses for her teenage son being lazy...as him being of "those" Gen-X'er's with no work ethic and her another one of "those" mom's who's created her son's issues...and how the son did not call into apply for a job himself--his mom did...and it was ridiculous!?  I mean, right?? Who does that for her teenage son??"  I could see where she was coming from...yes.  I am sure that could be the case...OR could it have been because this single mom NEEDED her son to have a job this summer to help pay bills and she was trying to help herself as much as him. AND this was the only way she knew how to assure he would have a job...OR does the son have a hearing disability? or a speech issue that makes phone talking difficult? 

WE DO NOT know.  BUT it is not my job to assume the kid was lazy. I'll let him prove that to me otherwise. What I will do, is show the mom support. Encourage her and her son. And give them some tools to help his chances of getting a job better this time or in the future.  That's all I can do.

SO this relates to the fitness industry and my job as a trainer and coach, because a person's weight and their fitness level is a very vulnerable thing. You have someone step on a scale and all sorts of emotions seep out.  BUT my job isn't to assume they are lazy and therefore fat, NOPE. It is to come alongside them and show compassion.  Because only then can I lead them...when they trust me.

2) Saying "I'll go first." >> Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean I'm stronger or better.  Sometimes the strongest leaders are at the bottom.  And the way they show leadership is how they serve.  And one way to serve is to "go first." Say I will sacrifice my time, my energy, my efforts, and my energy to give this a shot first--so I can better give you an idea of what to expect when it's your turn.  Let me make the mistakes, mess-up's and THEN you learn from me.  Ok?

3) BUT, leading from the back.  >> Being a leader doesn't mean you are out in front because you are the smartest, most-paid, and most educated...being a leader is a way of thinking.  It is, once again, an attitude of service.  Of creating an environment of growth. Of comfort. Of trust, respect.  It's helping people around you feel like they can be real, raw, open, and honest.  It's empowering people from the back...through confidence. Whether coaching a person to a new healthier lifestyle or mentoring a new coach to their first fitness business,  I have to put them first, ahead of my interests.  Meet them where they are at.  Truly listen. And encourage them the entire way.

4) Working passionately for people. >> I truly never feel like I work a job. I love helping people. I love fitness. I love that I can combine both loves into one.  And it is fulfilling to me.  I wake up every morning excited for who I will get to cross paths with somehow and be a positive force in their life. I truly do it for the people.  For their life-changing efforts and goals.  For the progress or experience they have. For those they individually inspire.  It is the greatest, heart-bursting feeling of emotions I can feel.  And because of the passion I have for it, it comes naturally. It comes easy, and I love sharing it with the world. 

Those...those reasons right there are why I believe I can inspire others to action.  I think they are traits I have learned in my past experiences, but have taken a step further, and applied them.  And am still applying, learning, re-learning, and living out. 


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