Home Gym: No Explanation Needed!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

No Explanation Needed!

I have found myself so frustrated lately but my need to justify things...by my need to tell people why I do certain things, why I don't do certain things...AND yet, it's not really anything I owe them...

Why do we, especially as women, feel the need to justify our actions, words, or thoughts...continually???
My husband is always telling me, "ANNA! You don't owe them that!!"

For example, my youngest brought home a Mother's Day card that said, "I love my mom because she lets us have pop on our birthdays..."

As soon as I saw that picture, I felt the need to call her teacher and tell her I let them have treats more than just that...But then after a while, I realized I don't need to justify my desire to feed my kids good food and promote healthy habits later on...

And then, I was speaking with another mom the other night at the kid's Bible School.  She was telling me how they are gone every night, how the kids are going 3-different ways and it's so hard to keep up...but that is the stage of life they are in.  AND then...I almost felt guilty for telling her we aren't gone much, we don't do a TON of evening activities...really.  My kids choose their activities and we limit how many nights a week they are gone and going because I just want them to be kids most of all...get dirty, play, and enjoy time with family.  BUT why...DID I Feel the need to try to justify our decision NOT to be crazy busy all summer.  I almost felt guilty because we AREN'T busy...we choose to let summer be lazy and relaxed. 

Or, when I speak to people they say "I wish I could workout as many hours a day as you.." "Or I wish I had your gym to workout in..." And while I understand that, and desire for most people to want and have that as well...I almost am made to feel guilty for my choices of working out, eating clean, or spending my 1-2 hours a day in the gym because I get up early and get it done.  Or because I spend my extra money on workout gear, or ask for gift cards for workout gear for holidays...or thrift store shop for workout equipment.  I know most don't understand this lifestyle, but I shouldn't HAVE to justify it...it's my choice. My work. My stress relief and fun!

I feel there are several things I need to work on not feeling the need to justify...
1) my parenting style
2) my appearance
3) my personal beliefs
4) my job or my online business
5) my eating choices
6) my health
7) how my house looks
8) the car I drive
9) ...

I am not blaming these issues on anyone else...they are obvious insecurities on my end...but I wanted to share because I KNOW there are so many women out there who are feeling the same.  SO here's to me...worrying less about what people think--except those that are close to me and matter.  AND here's to me standing by my decisions and choices without the need to justify them.

Phew. Gonna be a process. But I'm ready to shake the burden of some of this self-imposed stress.

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